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All Roads Lead to Rome: Chronicle of Hindu Death Foretold. By IndiaFacts. Share this to your acquaintances. Brilliant and frightening.

“At the moment when Constantine had supposedly seen the flaming cross, the vast majority of the empire was not Christian. It has been estimated that Christians made up as little as between seven and ten percent of the empire’s total population”.
“At the moment when Nehru had his tryst with destiny the vast majority of the nation was not Abrahamic. In the 1951 Census Muslims were 35.4 million (9.8%) and Christians were 8.3 million (2.3%). Most importantly, less than 0.1% of the population spoke English which, over the coming decades, was to become the vehicle for the internal subversion of the Hindu cultural elite, paving the way for the nationwide Abrahamization that we are witness to today”.
“When Constantine first entered Rome in 312 CE, it might first have seemed as though little would change. ‘No man whatever should be refused complete toleration’ announced the famous Edict of Milan of 313, adding that ‘every man may have complete toleration in the practice of whatever worship he has chosen’.”
“…It was not what the bishops wanted. In deciding who to worship, congregations were not choosing between one god and another. They were choosing between good and evil, between God and Satan. To allow someone to follow a path other than the true Christian one was not liberty, it was cruelty. Freedom to err was, Augustine would later vigorously argue, freedom to sin — and to sin was to risk the death of the soul. “The possibility of sinning,” as one Pope later put it “is not freedom but slavery. To allow another person to remain outside the Christian faith was not to show praiseworthy tolerance. It was to damn them.”
“To oppose another man’s religion, to repress their worship – these were not, clerics told their congregations, wicked or intolerant acts. They were some of the most virtuous things a man might do. The Bible itself demanded it. As the uncompromising words of Deuteronomy instructed – ‘And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place’.”
“Christians of the Roman Empire listened. And as the fourth century wore on, they began to obey.”
THE INDIAN REPUBLIC, 20th Century CE – A Two Stage Process
STAGE 1 – THE NEUTRAL PLAYING FIELD Article 25 of the Indian Constitution “All persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion subject to public order, morality and health.”
STAGE 2 – …AND A FIXED MATCH “… In 1971, Periyar organized a superstition eradication campaign in Salem. In this conference, Rama’s image was taken in procession, and was beaten with footwear. Hindu deities were obscenely portrayed. The effigy of Rama was burned publicly. Posters revealing the lust of and the birth of the Hindu deities were found everywhere. Many other photos depicted naked idols and erotic scenes from mythology.” – Rev. S. Robertson (Swarajya, 2020)
“Who is this Raman (as Lord Ram is referred to in Tamil)? In which engineering college did he study and become a civil engineer? When did he build this so-called bridge? Is there any evidence for this?” – Former CM of Tamil Nadu, M.K. Karunanidhi (The True Picture, 2020)
“Only in Tamil Nadu you can see big temples which are Satan’s strongholds. There are no places like Tamil Nadu where there are temples, its towers, and palaces. Why has Satan targeted Tamil Nadu and made it his stronghold?” – “Brother” Mohan Lazarus (Swarajya, 2018)
“Muslims never got independence. After Independence, an enemy community was foisted upon the Muslims.” – Sharjeel Imam (YouTube, 2020)
“We need to convert all Hindus to Islam out of compassion because otherwise, they will keep burning in hell.” – Maulana Kalim Siddique (OpIndia, 2019)
“There is nothing called as a Hindu Religion. Punch them in their face couple of times, make them bleed, and help them understand the truth.” – Bishop Ezra Sargunan (Twitter, 2019)
“Hindus worship a stone as God and later claim that the stone has created them.” – Sebastian Seeman (IndiaFacts, 2014)
“Aap ka Bhagwan apne bete ko nahin pehchaan sakte toh mein takleef mein hoonga toh mujhe kaise pehchaanenge?”– Zakir Naik (YouTube, 2016)
“Constantine moved quickly to promote his new religion. The following year he said that the persecution of Christians was over. Tax relief was given to church lands, clerics were exempted from public duties, bishops were lavished with gifts and banquets.… The vast churches Constantine built were astonishing. This was about architecture — but it was also about intent. The funds for all this had to be found somewhere. Now Constantine turned to those accursed and foul people who had chosen to stubbornly ‘hold themselves back’ from Christianity and continue visiting their sanctuaries of falsehood – in other words, those people who would soon be called pagans. The means by which Constantine chose to take some of this wealth was simple – and humiliating: he demanded that statues be taken from the temples.”
“…A market in plundered art developed and Christians braving demonic reprisals, took to levering out and selling statues that were particularly valuable.”
THE INDIAN REPUBLIC, 20th Century CE – A Four Stage Process
STAGE 1 : NEUTRAL APPEARANCE Article 26 of the Constitution Freedom to manage religious affairs subject to public order, morality and health, every religious denomination or any section thereof shall have the right — (a) to establish and maintain institutions for religious and charitable purposes; (b) to manage its own affairs in matters of religion; (c) to own and acquire movable and immovable property; and (d) to administer such property in accordance with law (Constitution of India, 2020)
STAGE 2 : SELECTIVE CONTROL OVER HINDU TEMPLES “FOR THEIR OWN GOOD” The Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment Act of 1951 “Where the Government have reason to believe that any Hindu or Jain public charitable endowment is being mismanaged and are satisfied that in the interest of the administration of such charitable endowment it is necessary to extend thereto all or any of the provisions of this Act and of any rules made thereunder, they may, by notification in the Fort St. George Gazette, extend to such charitable endowment the said provisions and thereupon the provisions so extended shall apply to such charitable endowment as if it were a specific endowment.” (Bare Acts Live, 2020)
STAGE 3 : SELECTIVE EXEMPTIONS AND AID FOR ABRAHAMICS Hyderabad-based Chilkur Balaji temple archaka Sri Rangarajan asks — “The State governments collect 23.4 per cent tax on the income of the temples including endowment administration tax (15 per cent), audit fee (2 per cent) and common good fund (2 per cent). That apart, money is also taken away from the temples for the Archaka Welfare Fund and other purposes.”
“But, such taxes and share in revenue is not collected from not a single church or mosque.”(The New Indian Express, 2019)
Annexure to the Report, National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities “5. Facilitating Exemptions under Income Tax Act and Granting of FCRA Most of the Madrasas, which have applied for exemptions under various sections of the Income Tax Act, like 80 G etc. or for FCRA have a strong feeling that they are harassed and discriminated in these matters. As almost all the Madrasas depend on donations these benefits are crucial to their functioning. Granting these benefits to Madrasas will also enhance transparency and accountability, as these Madrasas then will have to maintain proper accounts and file required returns under these legislations.” (Minority Affaris, 2020)
Pilgrimage Aid, Andhra Pradesh “The government of Andhra Pradesh has increased the financial assistance provided to Christian pilgrims by a significant margin, ANI has reported. Those with an annual income of less than Rs. 3 lakhs will now receive Rs. 60,000 for their pilgrimage to Jerusalem while others will receive Rs. 30,000. Earlier, they used to receive Rs. 40,000 and Rs. 20,000 respectively.” (OpIndia, 2019)
Honorarium for Pastors, Andhra Pradesh “In August, the Reddy government issued another order to provide for an honorarium of Rs 5,000 per month for pastors. To know their numbers in the state for budget allocation and allowance disbursal, the government has asked the district collectors to enumerate the pastors through a survey.”
“While the process is underway, the government is preparing to fulfill other YSR Congress Party manifesto promises for the Christian community — like plots and house construction for pastors, and financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh for wedding of Christian girls, among others.” (The Print, 2019)
Stipends for Minority UPSC candidates “The ‘Nai Udaan’ and ‘Naya Savera’ schemes of the Minority Affairs Ministry have been revised and the financial assistance for those qualifying the UPSC prelims has been increased from Rs 50,000 to Rs 1 lakh” — Union minister for Minority Affairs, Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi (Hindustan Times, 2018)
Institutional Exemptions (Schools) “The Supreme Court has exempted aided minority institutions from fulfilling their obligation to reserve 25% seats for social and economically backward children under the Right to Education Act”. (The Economic Times, 2014)
STAGE 4: “MISMANAGEMENT” OF TEMPLE FUNDS Loot “In Tamil Nadu, the HR & CE Department controls over 4.7 lakh acres of agricultural land, 2.6 crore square feet of buildings, and 29 crore square feet of urban land of temples. By any reasonable measure, the income from these properties should be in thousands of crores of rupees. The government, however, collects a mere Rs. 36 crores in rent” (Swarajya, 2015).
Cross Subsidy “It is not farfetched to argue that the money that is being looted from Hindu Temples by various governments inevitably ends up funding minority specific schemes and doles that are handed out, with the explicit objective of securing minority votes in most cases.” (OpIndia, 2020)
Desecration “In what looks like a case of complicity on the part of the Tamil Nadu police and the State Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments (HR&CE) Department, case diaries of 41 thefts of temple idols and invaluable artefacts have gone missing “mysteriously” (Swarajya, 2020)
“The savage tyrant was Christianity. From almost the very first years that a Christian emperor had ruled in Rome in AD 312, liberties had begun to be eroded. And then in AD 529, a final blow had fallen. It was decreed that all those who had laboured under the ‘insanity of paganism’ – in other words Damacius and his fellow philosophers – would no longer be allowed to teach. There was worse. It was also announced that anyone who was not yet baptized was to come forward and make themselves known at the ‘holy churches’ immediately, or face exile. And if anyone allowed themselves to be baptized, then slipped back into their old pagan ways, they would be executed.”
THE INDIAN REPUBLIC, 20th-21st Century CE
The Source: Thomas Macaulay, 1836 “Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully. We find it difficult, indeed at some places impossible, to provide instruction for all who want it. At the single town of Hooghly fourteen hundred boys are learning English. The effect of this education on the Hindoos is prodigious. No Hindoo who has received an English education ever continues to be sincerely attached to his religion. Some continue to profess it as a matter of policy. But many profess themselves pure Deists, and some embrace Christianity.” Thomas Macaulay’s Letter to Zachary Macaulay, 1836
The Prognosis: Ananda Coomaraswamy, early 20th Century “The child is taken to school, and the first thing he learns is that his father is a fool, the second thing that his grandfather is a lunatic, the third thing that all his teachers are hypocrites, the fourth, that all the sacred books are lies!… We have learnt only weakness.”
“A single generation of English education suffices to break the threads of tradition and to create a nondescript and superficial being deprived of all roots—a sort of intellectual pariah who does not belong to the East or the West, the past or the future. The greatest danger for India is the loss of her spiritual integrity. Of all Indian problems the educational is the most difficult and most tragic.”
The Fruition: Kothari Education Commission, 1964 “Education needs to be transformed into powerful instrument of social change and closely linked to national development. This way we need strong universal and everlasting educational aims to achieve our lifegoals. Traditional aims and objectives were not considered by the commission and it has suggested (1) Education and productivity (2) Social and national integration (3) Education and modernisation (4) Social, moral and spiritual values (5) and Education about religion.”
“It is very clear that in a democratic country like ours, education is used as a means of socio-economic change and ah these can only be achieved through this most powerful instrument. In a world based on science and technology.”
“We can breathe in a traditional society, but we can’t live the life in it in the sense of term. In the fast running world, there is always struggle for existence. We can exist only when we go ahead by maintaining the progress of science and technology. ‘Indian society of today is heir to a great culture. Unfortunately, however, it is not an adequately educated society and unless it becomes one, it will not be able to modernize itself and to respond appropriately to new challenges of national reconstruction or take its rightful place in country of nations’. “
“Now, education should be accepted as a powerful means of social revolution.” (Archive, 2017) Archive (January 21, 2017),
The Baptism: Right to Education Act, 2009 3. Right of child to free and compulsory education — 1 [(1) Every child of the age of six to fourteen years, including a child referred to in clause (d) or clause (e) of section 2, shall have the right to free and compulsory education in a neighbourhood school till the completion of his or her elementary education] (Legislative, 2009)
“Within 150 years of Celsus’s attack, even the Emperor of Rome professed himself a follower of the religion. What happened next was far more serious than anything Celsus could ever have imagined. Christianity not only gained adherents, it forbade people from worshipping the old Roman and Greek gods. Eventually, it simply forbade anyone to dissent from what Celsus considered its idiotic teachings. To pick just one example from many, in AD 386, a law was passed targeting those ‘who contend about religion’ in public. Such people this law warned, were the disturbers of the peace of the church and they shall pay the penalty of high treason with their lives and blood.”
“In 1927, under pressure from the Muslim community, the administration of the British Raj enacted Hate Speech Law Section 295(A).” Though this law cuts both ways, the reality of its application is clear since 1927. See this list (Wikipedia, 2020)
Meanwhile, COMEDIANS (Swarajya, 2020)
FILM-MAKERS (Swarajya, 2020)
(First Post, 2015)
TV SHOWS (OpIndia, 2020)
…continue to mock and denigrate the Hindu religion.
“This was no time for a philosopher to be philosophical. “The tyrant”, as the philosopher’s put it, was in charge and had many alarming habits. In Damacius’s own time, houses were entered and searched for books and objects deemed unacceptable. If any were found, they would be removed and burned in triumphant bonfires in town squares. Discussion of religious matters in public has been branded a “damnable audacity” and had been forbidden by law. Anyone who made sacrifices to the old Gods could, the law said, be executed. Across the empire, ancient and beautiful temples had been attacked, their roofs stripped, their treasures melted down, their statues smashed.”
Himachal Pradesh Court Bans Animal Sacrifice, 2014 “No person will sacrifice any animal in any place of worship. It includes adjoining lands and buildings,” the two-judge bench of the court ruled late on Monday. (The Guardian, 2014)
Tripura Court Bans Animal Sacrifice, 2019 “No person including the State shall be allowed to sacrifice any animal/bird within the precincts of any of the temples within the State of Tripura,” the order said. The bench directed all the district magistrates and superintendents of police of the state to ensure implementation of the order forthwith. (The New Indian Express, 2019)
The Karnataka Prevention & Eradication of Inhuman Evil Practices & Black Magic Act, 2017 7. Powers of entry, search etc.- (1) Subject to general or special orders issued in this behalf by the State Government from time to time the vigilance officer may within the local limits of area of his jurisdiction with the assistance of the police officer of his area,- (i) enter and search at all reasonable times with such assistance, if any, as he consider necessary, any place in which he has reason to believe that an offence under this Act has been or is being committed; (ii) seize any material, instrument or advertisement which he has believed that same has been or is being used for any act or thing which is in contravention of the provisions of this Act; and (iii) examine any record document or material object found in any place mentioned in clause (Department of Parilamentary Affairs, 2020)
“This was a grace and liberty that the Christians would decline to show to other religions when they gained control. In a little over ten years after the newly Christian Constantine took power, it is said that laws began to be passed restricting ‘the pollutions of idolatry’. During Constantine’s own reign it seems to have been decreed that ‘no one should presume to set up cult objects, or practice divination or other occult arts r even to sacrifice at all’. Less than 50 years after Constantine’s, the death penalty was announced for any who dared to sacrifice. A little over a century later, in AD 423, the Christian government announced that any pagans who still survived were to be suppressed. Though it added confidently and ominously ‘we now believe there are none’.”
MRITYU BHOJ BAN “Section 3: Prohibition of Mrityu Bhoj – No person shall hold or give or join or take part in a Mrityu Bhoj in the State. Whoever commits a contravention of the provisions of section 3 or instigates, abets or assists the commission of any such contravention shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.” — Rajasthan Prevention of Mrityu Bhoj Act, 1960 (Swarajya, 2020)
SABARIMALA RULING “The bar on entry of women between age of 10 and 50 years is not an essential part of the religion,” CJI Deepak Mishra, 2018 (OpIndia, 2018)
DAHI HANDI RULING “We would request the State to accordingly amend said Section 143B in respect of “danger performances” to include such other performances, viz. “Dahi Handi” – Bombay HC, 2014 (India Kanoon, 2014)
JALLIKATTU RULING “clearly violates Section 3 and Sections 11(1)(a) & (m) of the PCA Act read with Article 51A(g) and Article 21 of the Constitution of India and hence exhibition or training them as performing animals be completely banned.” – SC Bench, 2014 (India Kanoon, 2014)
SHREE JAGANNATH RATH YATRA RULING “Lord Jagannath won’t forgive us if we allow this year’s Rath Yatra.” CJI Bobde, 2020 (First Post, 2020)
PASHU BALI RULING “[8] It is further highlighted that such practice based on superstition was being continued in different parts of India and Nepal. Now at Gudhima Temple, Nepal, this practice of animal sacrifice stands totally banned. Also, by a judicial order, the age-old tradition of animal sacrifice in the Temples in Himachal Pradesh stands prohibited. It must also be stopped in the State of Tripura, more so by the State Government.” Agartala HC, 2019 (India Kanoon, 2019)
“That all superstitions of pagans and heathens should be annihilated is what God wants, God commands, God proclaims!” – St. Augustine
Maharashtra Ordinance XIV of 2013 “to bring social awakening and awareness in the society and to create a healthy and safe environment with a view to protect the common people in the society against the evil and sinister practices thriving on ignorance and to combat and eradicate human sacrifice and other inhuman, evil, sinister, and aghori practices propagated in the name of so-called supernatural or magical powers or evil spirits commonly called black magic by conmen with sinister motive of exploiting common people in the society and thereby destroying the very social fibre of the society and for matter connected therewith or incidental to.” (The Metrognome, 2013)
From the Working Paper of MANS/ANS, the organization that spearheaded The Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act, 2013 “As human beings civilized more acceptable rules and regulations became necessary. As the human species civilizes into a more advanced and noble society, these rules and regulations or laws, which have regulated life of human societies, are modified whenever necessary from time to time. This evolution is still on. In our part of the world a large segment of the present society requires appropriate laws to protect them from unscrupulous members of society, which use misinformation and misguidance to cheat and harm them. To be more precise, at this moment of time in this part of the world superstitions exist in a very large extent in the majority of uneducated and educated strata of society. It is also a fact that there exist large number of people whose main means of livelihood is to misuse these superstitious beliefs and fill their own coffers. If societies have to be more civilized this situation has to be changed.” (Ideas, 2020)
“It is clear from the moment the letter opens that Pliny is finding the Christians in his new province irksome. The ‘wretched cult’ of Christianity has been spreading there and affecting the worship of the old gods. ‘Not only the towns, but villages and rural districts too… are infected’ Pliny wrote. The temples of the old gods are becoming deserted.”
TAMIL NADU “Here is one such incident that took place in 2007 in Kanyakumari district and that would resonate in Thanjavur in 2018. However, unlike in Thanjavur, where the police forces were not yet inclined to stop the Hindus, in the Kanyakumari village, coincidentally or strategically placed police officials who happened to be Christians, violently stopped the Hindus.” (Swarajya, 2018)
NAGALAND “Chaya confirms there are about 50 families in his village, and more in other Angami villages, who still follow the “original” religion of the Nagas.” (The New Indian Express, 2018)
KASHMIR “But as this “Kashmirapura vasini” left, I wondered, what about her home on her land, Kashmirapura. My recent visits to Kashmir did hurt me to see the state of certain heritage structures that were once living temples.” (Swarajya, 2018)
“Christianity was caught in an impossible situation. Greek and Roman literature was sump of the sinful and the satanic and so it could not be embraced. But nor could it entirely be ignored either. It was painfully obvious to educated Christians that the intellectual achievements of the insane pagans were vastly superior to their own.
And so in-part from self-interest, in-part from actual interest, Christianity started to absorb the literature of the heathens into itself.”
THE INDIAN REPUBLIC, 21st Century CE — Appropriation
“If a composer has used their own mental faculties to set lyrics composed by them to the tune, one can still appreciate it as art for art’s sake. This time, however, the album at the centre of controversy contains songs that have blatantly plagiarised Tyagaraja. (Swarajya, 2018)
“Sadhu Chellappaa audaciously claims, ‘Diwali, the festival of lights, is a Christian Festival; Animal Sacrifice is a Christian culture adopted by Hindus and Gayatri Mantra actually glorifies Jesus. The Vedas, the ancient Indian sacred writings had anticipated the coming of Christ’.“ (IndiaFacts, 2015)
“Then they dragged Alexandria’s greatest living mathematician through the streets to a church. Once inside they ripped the clothes of her body then using broken pieces of pottery as blades, they flayed her skin from her flesh. Some say that while she still gasped for breath, they gouged out her eyes. Once she was dead, they tore her body into pieces and threw what was left of the ‘luminous child of reason’ onto a pyre and burned her.”
From “…gōbrāhmaṇēbhyaḥ śubhamastu nityaṁ, lōkāḥ samastāḥ sukhinōbhavantu” to this –
“Another haunting video is when the police are escorting the Sadhus out to a bloodthirsty mob where one of the Sadhus can be seen latching on to the cop, hoping he’d be safe with the man in the uniform. However, the cop can be seen leading him to an open space where mob starts beating him and the cop just shakes his hands off, leaving the old man to die.” (OpIndia, 2020)
…in Chandni Chowk, 2019 “…the statues, fixtures, glass panes, etc., in the temple were smashed, curtains, etc., were burnt by the mob.” (OpIndia, 2019)
…in Kanyakumari, 2020 “Whenever a village becomes Christian-majority, the Hindu temples in the area are attacked.” (Swarajya, 2020)
…in Patna, 2019 “The Hanuman temple in Patna’s Phulwari was attacked and vandalized.” (TFI Post, 2019)
…in Mahabalipuram, 2018 “…posed for a picture with one leg on Shiva Linga, wearing slippers.” (Deccan Chronicle, 2018)
…in Jammu, 2015 “Islamic rebels raid Hindu temple; 6 killed, at least 25 injured” (YouTube, 2015)
…during Durga Puja, 2019 “incidents of violence, stone-pelting on procession as well as breaking of idols of Maa Durga” (OpIndia, 2019)
…in Balrampur, 2019 “a procession for Durga Puja Visarjan can be seen getting attacked by heavy stone-pelting” (OpIndia, 2019)
“They must have been a melancholy party. In AD 532, a band of seven men set out from Athens, taking with them little but works of philosophy. All were members of what had once been the most famous of Greece’s philosophical schools, the Academy. The Academy’s philosophers proudly traced their history back in an unbroken line – “a golden chain” as they called it — to Plato himself, almost a thousand years before. Now that chain was about to be broken in the most dramatic way possible: these men were abandoning not just their school but the Roman empire itself. Athens, the city that had seen the birth of Western philosophy was no longer a place for philosophers.”
“Exodus of Hindus from the Valley has not only led to the loss of homeland to an entire ethnic group, but the community has lost touch with its glorious past when great thinkers from across the Indian sub-continent, China and Tibet used to engage in debates with thinkers in the Kashmir valley before the arrival of Islam in 13th century which changed the religious and spiritual doctrine in the valley.”
“Uprooting of the entire minority community from Kashmir has perhaps been the greatest tragedy to have occurred in the history of post-Independence India and our present generation born and brought up in Jammu and other parts of the country are quite unaware of where they belonged to.” (Tribune India, 2015)
“And yet despite the horror of what Constantine was asking his subjects to do, there was little resistance. ‘To carry out his project into execution he did not need military aid’. His destruction emboldened other Christians and the attacks spread.
“In AD 529, the philosophers of Athens were threatened with the destruction of their entire way of life. The Christians were behind this – yet you will search almost in vain for the word “Christian” in most of the writings of the philosophers. It is clear that the philosophers didn’t leave immediately after the infamous law was announced. They seem instead to have lain low – not the mark of a cowardly man, in their philosophy but of a sensible one. Almost 200 years of aggressive Christianity had taught them the value of this. Philosophers, as one of them put it ‘should let sleeping beasts lie’ and ‘at such times of crisis, be careful to avoid clashes with the authorities and untimely displays of outspokenness’. But the sleeping beasts didn’t lie. On the contrary they began to roar with ever-increasing ferocity.”
THE INDIAN REPUBLIC, 20th-21st Century CE — Silence
IN OUR CONVERSATIONS “Silence is one of the potent vehicles of trans-generational trauma. The ills of the past — whether colonialism, racism, slavery or genocide — cast a shadow on the future of the families of the victim.” (The Patriot, 2019) IN OUR TEXTBOOKS “…that the history of India is the history of successive invaders “civilizing” the meek natives who are captives of evil, backward paganism, and who had no military, naval, or cultural achievements of their own.” (First Post, 2020)
IN THE MEDIA “Civil society, media and the government of India have all remained mute spectators while this human tragedy of unimaginable magnitude has been unfolding right in their backyard.” (Dailyo, 2014)
IN OUR RECORDS “However, it is both a civilizational necessity and imperative for what remains of Bharatavarsha to teach and remember always, the Hindu history of Pakistan.” (The Dharma Dispatch, 2020)
THE ROMAN EMPIRE, 5th Century CE – A Final Plea
“As the century drew to its close, the period of leniency ended. In the 380s and 390s rulings started to be issued with increasing rapidity and ferocity against all non-Christian ritual. In AD 391, the fervently Christian emperor Theodosius passed a formidable law. ‘No person shall be granted the rights to perform sacrifices; no person shall go around the temples; no person no person shall revere the shrines… Nor could anyone with secret wickedness venerate his household gods or burn lights to them or put up wreaths to them or burn incense to them. Then in AD 399 a new and more terrible law came. It was announced that if there should be any temples in the country districts, they shall be torn down and removed without disturbance or tumult.”
“The worshippers of the old gods pleaded eloquently with the Christian elite of toleration. The brilliant orator Symacchus wrote an appeal. First he begged the emperor to allow religious differences among his subjects…he observed that ‘each person had their own custom, their own religious rite and that mankind was ill equipped to judge which one was best since all reasoning is shrouded in ambiguity. He doesn’t ask for any curbing of Christianity. ‘We offer you prayers not a battle’ Symacchus may not have wanted a battle but a battle was precisely what the Christians saw themselves as fighting.”
“Rome’s ancient cults were collapsing. And yet though Symacchus lost — perhaps because he lost – his words still have a terrible power. ‘We request peace for the gods of our forefathers’ he had begged ‘Whatever each person worships it is reasonable to think of them as one. We see the same stars, the sky is shared by all, the same world surrounds us. What does it matter what wisdom a person uses to seek for the truth’?”
Knock. Knock.
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Understanding the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple Judgement - Clear-cut with J. Sai Deepak

Here is the link of the video on Youtube by Upword with J. Sai Deepak - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2B30mZmgwM
Transcript from the video pasted below; edited for ease of reading.
TLDR; SC recognizes relationship of Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple and the Royal family of travancore, effectively paving the way for other temples across India. A message to Hindus as well, to not lose hope in the process, and DEMAND that the state respect the laxman rekha which the Constitution has drawn for itself (separation of state and religion; secularism).
Key takeaway - It is very clear that you've managed to achieve one of the perhaps more difficult outcomes, coming from the community you come from. Imagine in modern, secular, republican, whatever India, the right of a royal family with respect to a temple, based and rooted in Hindu tradition has been accepted in 2020. So given the Mahaul and the atmosphere that we live in, I would ask myself let us be a bit realistic and learn to celebrate one of the few achievements that we get.
So all the petitions are clubbed together by the Kerala High Court and results in a judgment of the Kerala High Court, which comes out on the 31st of January 2011. In which, the Kerala High Court basically says, that any privilege enjoyed or any position enjoyed by the ruler of Travancore who originally signed the covenant in May 1949, on behalf of the princely states of travancore and cochin on the one hand and the Indian Union on the other, ended with his demise in 1991 and in any case post the abolition of Privy Purse in 1971, thanks to the 26th amendment there is no concept of a ruler. Since, everywhere in the act with respect to the Padmanabhaswamy temple the word ruler has been used and the word ruler has become useless, therefore none of his successors would have any rights with respect to the temple. That was basically the position.
Therefore the simple question was this whether the use of the word ruler in the act in the travancore-cochin Hindu religious institutions Act of 1950 was it with reference to an individual or was it with reference to an office therefore if it's an individual then it ends with the signatory of the Covenant of 1949 but if it's with reference to an office then the successors get rights as well. 
So, Kerala High Court rules that it was it ended with the life of the previous ruler which is in 1991. It passes detailed directions facilitating the takeover of the temple, its assets and management by the state government of Kerala through a Trust which is created by the state government of Kerala. It also directed opening of all the vaults of the temple, which were held to be sacred and never opened, at least some of the vaults and for every article in each of the vaults to be inventoried and put out for public display in a museum on a payment basis so that people, tourists and the general public can visit the temple to look at that, on the payment of a fee, so effectively what those articles which we effectively treat as articles of darshan had become articles of pradarshan. That is the consequence of the Kerala High Court judgment.

It is against that judgment that the royal family approached the Supreme Court in 2011. A stay was granted by the Supreme Court on day one and pending the disposition of the entire matter the court put in place certain committees which would administer and govern this particular temple in the interim so to speak and that is the proceeding which has ultimately resulted in the judgment of 13th of July 2020 where the court has finally come to the conclusion that the high court's judgment was patently erroneous, incorrect and certainly flew in the face of the history of the Covenant, the spirit behind the protection given to this particular family especially in the travancore-cochin Act of 1950**. So that's basically the sum and substance of the legal outcome.**

A direction of a secular institution which effectively strips a religious institution of its sanctity and all of that is sanctified in a judicial order, and the entire religious institution is assigned and handed over to a so called secular institution or a secular body is unimaginable even as let's say a practitioner of Constitution or at the very least a believer of constitutional. You don't need to be person who believes either in religion or in hinduism to arrive at this basic reasonable conclusion, that on the face of it, the directions of the kerala high could transgressed perhaps all canons of reasonableness, all canons of expectations of fairness with respect to treatment of fundamental freedoms of religious nature both individual and institutional, because this was not just a question of one family of the temple, crores and crores of people across the world believe in lord Padmanabhaswamy and the temple is the object of worship and faith and respect and whatnot.


So, what are the positives from the judgement - A legal view.

What was this covenant is all about? So once you sign the Instrument of Accession saying I wish to be a part of Bharat you have entered into a couple of more agreements to protect a couple of your interests and your rights. Now the document which we are referring to earlier it is the Covenant. Now that document was not entered into separately by travancore and cochin, a single document was entered into on behalf of both the princely states because by then both the state had merged to become the travancore-cochin state. Central feature; of this document which is relevant to the case is a provision called article 8, is what captures the Covenant or the let's say the promise made by the Indian Union to the ruler of the Travancore family that their rights and their control over the management of the Padmanabhaswamy temple shall not be interfered with, not just in his lifetime but also to his successors. The rest of the temples form part of the Travancore Devaswom Board, which is all the temples in Travancore and cochin but this particular temple falls under the exclusive domain of the ruler of Travancore. Just as the three major temples of Kerala have special relationships with different families and this family (Travancore) has a special relationship with the Padmanabhaswamy temple, that's what the Covenant recognizes. 
So this happens in May 1949, they sign this particular document in 1950, the HRC legislation of Kerala which is the travancore-cochin Hindu religious institutions Act of 1950 comes about and there's a specific chapter of this particular Act which is chapter 3 sections 18 to 23, the chapter itself is called Shri Padmanabhaswamy temple.
That is the structure as it exists in the act and there has been no amendment to that particular portion of the Act either after 1950 and till date it remains as is. Various multiple amendments have been undertaken to the act overall but this particular chapter remains unchanged even after the abolish of the privy purses in 1971, even after the death of the first ruler or let's say the covenant ruler in 1991, nothing has changed as far as this chapter is concerned.
So the state government which says that, they (royals) have lost rights undertakes amendments with respect to the rest of the Act, but never touches this particular chapter, meaning thereby they understand that this is protected by the Covenant.

Why is this important?

Every other royal family which has its own temple would have entered into a covenant of similar nature where its rights with respect to its institution would have been protected. But unfortunately, over a point of time the indian state or its representatives have managed to go back on their obligations with respect to this right. The abolition of the Privy Purses itself was going back on what is promised.

Therefore what is the long-term application of this particular judgment?

Similarly placed temples and similarly placed royal families can agitate in a similar manner for a similar outcome. There are a number of temples across the country which are similarly placed or almost similarly placed, you can't call them identical. Mysore, Ekling ji in mewar, lot of other places.

What happens to the current administrative structure which seems to be the primary point of discussion everywhere?

There were three sets of proposals broadly that were placed before the court.

The court has for all practical purposes accepted the proposal of the ruler in entirety. Almost, except with one or two changes. 

What is the structure that has been proposed?

There is an existing Advisory Committee now you have two committees. The Advisory Committee which is the committee recognized under the Act has three people as usual. In addition to that, there is an administrative committee which has five people now.

Who are the three people who are the five people? Where is this interference coming from?

  1. Under the Advisory Committee you effectively have a retired judge of the High Court nominated by the Chief Justice of the Kerala High Court who shall be a member of that particular committee.
  2. Then you have someone who's nominated by the ruler
  3. And the third person is a reputed Chartered Accountant who's nominated by the retired judge but in consultation with the ruler
So this is the three-member committee.
Then you have the administrative committee.
  1. The Rajah had basically proposed that the first person shall be a retired IAS officer of the rank of the secretary from the government of Kerala which the court has replaced with the district judge.
  2. Followed by a nominee of the ruler
  3. Followed by a nominee of the Ministry of Culture, Union ministry of culture
  4. Followed by a nominee of the state government
  5. A reputed chartered accountant or something of that sort.
So totally there are about five people.

Now the fear that has been floated in a couple of circles is: you have a state government nominee, you have a central government nominee, and you have a couple of retired judges sitting here and also presiding judges sitting here. This is effectively a backdoor to facilitate government entrenchment or establishment entrenchment.
By recognizing the rights of the rajah on the one hand and still creating a backdoor entry on the other.

Now, let's apply our logic if you are effectively recognized that article 8 is valid and article 8 speaks of his (rajah) dominion over this particular temple, can it be the court's conclusion that I will uphold his rights on one hand like this and on the other hand I will dilute it by creating committees which can override and prevail over his let's say supremacy so to speak? Not Possible, that's what logic says I don't know what are the forms of logic are Possible.
But the other thing is the Act expressly states that under section 18, that particular entity which performs the role of the executive officer, which is the Administrative Committee, shall be under the control and supervision of the ruler. And as far as section 20 is concerned the Advisory Committee shall only advise the discharge of the Functions.
So according to me this is like a telescope,

What is it that people are not telling you? In the judgment the court goes on to say further that in matters of policy relating to the fundamental character of the temple it shall be the ruler who has the final say.

What are those issues that the court actually identifies; five specific issues
  1. Any monthly expenditure
  2. One-time expenditure over 1 crore you have to take the permission of the ruler
  3. Any expense item which is over 15 lakhs
  4. Any expansion
  5. Or renovation of the temple
You have to ask the ruler not just ask, you need his approval. (para numbers 47 page number 100 take a look at Roman number 11 that's what it says)
What the court also says that any aspect of the administration which changes the fundamental character of the temple insofar as religious sentiments are concerned it will be the Raja who is the final authority and with respect to all the vaults and treasures that people wanted to open, the discretion is left to the committees. But as I said, the committee's are operating under the Raja, & the Raja is bound with the tradition I rest my case.

What do you make make of the negativity that has surrounded this issue?

I'm not saying certainly that everything is hunky-dory. I am certainly still of the opinion the court could have avoided populating this particular body with state representatives and that is where we had raised a couple of arguments.
Unfortunately, the court said that those arguments were never raised before the High Court. The basic point is in fact,
I'll quote you here we must perhaps not master the art of pulling defeat from the intestines of victory, that is something that we must not do. Because I am asking myself this simple question. Draw heart from the fact that the other side is seething, the other side is lost and the other side is effectively saying everything that have managed to get from the Kerala High Court in the first judgment I've lost it.
Effectively everything is gone right so there is no question of touching the treasures of the temple because that's sacred property that's not supposed to be touched. The fundamental relationship between the family and the temple has been restored and the control of the ruler over the administration of the temple for all practical purposes has been restored with adequate safeguards.
So where is the problem?
The problem is in twofold, these are let's call it footnotes for all practical purposes.

So does this judgment paves the way for the freedom of the temples all across the Country?

See there are specific examples where this model can be considered.
But can this be applied to every other temple I would be very circumspect and grounded in my extrapolation of that to the extent that the court is willing to recognize a special relationship which is rooted in tradition and which is a religious relationship. It is a welcome sign that today Indian courts recognized religious relationship which is Hindu in nature and character and which still also believes that the rights of control can reside in these royal families based on the facts and circumstances and the special relationship that the family enjoys with the temple.
So, from a big-picture perspective it is effectively a positive sign. It may not be a giant leap, it is perhaps a miniscule step, but for this temple it's a giant leap compared to where it was in 2011.
For similarly placed temples this could perhaps at least start as the starting point of a discussion if not the ideal end.

For temples that do not really have a ruler, history of the Raja or the priestly kingdom behind them. How do those temples, we often talk about freedom of temples from state, which have government control, what replaces it? (the management structure)

The basic point is if we subscribe to the concept of Sampradaya under hindu tradition it is possible to argue that over 70% of Hindu temples are sampradaya temples. Therefore they must enjoy the rights of autonomy available under Article 26. Which means members of the sampradaya should fight for populating the administrative bodies of that particular temple, fight for the ouster of state officials from that particular temple and they must initiate proceedings on the ground.
However all of this can begin that is what is called the denominational state. What is the denominational status? the denominational status is a fairly powerful tool to prevent encroachment of the autonomy of the religious institution by the state and therefore the first goal is to prove that you are in the form of a denomination.
For a moment let's assume that you're not even a denomination. In principle, the argument can't be that it is state-controlled which is the default and community control which is the alternative because that is not what is said by article 25 as well. So article 25.2a only limits itself to the state's role to supervise. It's a supervisory role that the state performs, it is not an administrative role. You can't take over the entire process. Again here, Dr. Swamy's judgment from the state of Tamil Nadu, the judgement of January 2014 is a landmark judgement on this particular issue. Where thanks to dr. Swami's efforts and others, this particular law was laid down by justice BS Jahan and justice bobde, was not the current chief justice, so the law as well as the remedy with respect to denominational temples and nondenominational temples is fairly clear 
Unfortunately the clarity has not percolated to public awareness to a significant extent. A lot of us have to take the responsibility for not, let's say explaining this particular issue to the public in a language they understand or maybe we have we've been too caught up in our own legalities to explain it to them.

But the answer exists in law. Let's say the position of communities which are in a position to establish the denominational status is slightly better, that even without the denominational temple the state has a certain laxman rekha which the Constitution has drawn for itself, that is the Laxman Rekha that you must insist on, in principle as long as you stick to that and you don't budge from that particular position, denomination or other ways is a second issue that comes much later.

What I am is different but where you are supposed to be is the first question, so stay out. (secularism)

After this huge historic win, what next? where do you see this entire movement going towards?
Any case it tells the community please try and put some faith in this particular process. We are trying to take a shot at a certain edifice which has not work for you all these decades, now it has started showing results so don't be disheartened. If you choose to be disheartened you do it at your own peril and to your own detriment, nobody else stands to lose anything, you do.
Pessimism is a luxury that Hindus can't afford. You have no other option but to be optimistic and perseverant. Keep attacking, keep getting the job done.

Note: Again, this post is a transcript from the video (linked at start above), and aimed to create a discussion and awareness amongst public in regards to Freedom of Hindu Temples from state.
submitted by xsupermoo to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

[Main Thread] : CAA and NRC related discussion

[Main Thread] : CAA and NRC related discussion
Since the protests have calmed and settled down, lets proceed to deeper discussion and understanding of CAA and NRC.

Treat this thread has the main thread !

For those who want to understand CAB in simple words, please visit the link below,

Informative links about CAA:
Here’s J. Sai Deepak explaining the impact of CAA on NRC.

Further FAQs on Citizenship Amendment Act

Question 1. Why shouldn’t Baluchis, Ahmediyas in Pakistan, Rohingayas in Myanmar not be considered for this kindness?
Answer: The CAA has not stopped any foreigners of any country from applying for Indian Citizenship under The Citizenship Act, 1955. Baluchis, Ahmediyas & Rohingayas can always apply to become Indian citizens as and when they fulfill the qualifications provided in the relevant sections of The Citizenship Act, 1955.

Question 2. In what way does it benefit Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis and Christians from these three countries?
Answer: All legal migrants (whose travel documents are complete) including the aforementioned minority communities from three countries were and are and will continue to be eligible to apply for Indian citizenship if they fulfill the qualifications laid down in The Citizenship Act, 1955. The CAA has not changed this situation whatsoever. Only some migrants from the aforesaid communities and countries will benefit from the CAA if they have incomplete or no documents or their documents have expired and they have taken shelter in India because of persecution on grounds of religion up to December 2014. They have been excluded from the definition of “illegal migrants” in The Citizenship Act, 1955. Unlike other foreigners, they are eligible to get citizenship after a total residency period of six years. For other foreigners, this period is twelve years.

Question 3. Doesn’t India have an obligation under the UN to take care of refugees?
Answer: Yes it does. And it is not shying away from it. There are more than two lakh Sri Lankan Tamils and Tibetans in India and more than fifteen thousand Afghans, 20-25 thousand Rohingayas and a few thousand other refugees of different nationalities presently live in India. It is expected that someday these refugees will return to their homelands when conditions improve there. Indian is not a signatory to the UN Convention of 1951 and the UN Protocol of 1967 on Refugees. Secondly, India is under no obligation to offer such migrants its citizenship. Each country including India has its own rules for naturalization.

Question 4. Will illegal Muslims immigrants from these three countries be automatically deported under this Law?
Answer: No. The CAA has absolutely nothing to do with the deportation of any foreigner from India. The deportation process of any foreigner irrespective of his religion or country is implemented as per the mandate of the Foreigners Act, 1946 and/or The Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920. These two laws govern entry, stay movement within India and exit from India of all foreigners irrespective of their religion or country.
Therefore, the usual deportation process would apply to any illegal foreigner staying in India. It is a well-considered judicial process that is based on a proper inquiry by the local police or administrative authorities to detect an illegal foreigner. It is ensured that such an illegal foreigner has been issued a proper travel document by the embassy of his country so that he can be duly received by officials of his country when he is deported.
In Assam, the process of deportation happens only after determination of such a person as a “foreigner” under The Foreigners Act, 1946. Then he becomes liable for deportation. Therefore, there is nothing automatic, mechanical or discriminatory in this exercise. State Governments and their district-level authorities enjoy the power of Central Govt. under Section 3 of the Foreigners Act and Section 5 of The Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 to detect, detain & deport any illegal foreigner.

Question 5. Does the CAA affect Indians (Hindus, Muslims, anyone)?
Answer: No. It has absolutely nothing to do with any Indian citizen in any way. The Indian citizens enjoy Fundamental Rights conferred on them by the Constitution of India. No statute including the CAA can abridge or take them away. There has been a misinformation campaign. The CAA does not affect any Indian citizens, including Muslim citizens.

Question 6. What about Sri Lankan Tamils?
Answer: India has provided citizenship to 4.61 lakh Tamils of Indian origin after signing PM level agreements signed in 1964 and 1974. Presently ninety-five thousand Sri Lankan Tamils are living in Tamil Nadu on Central and State Government subsidies and grants. They can apply for Indian citizenship whenever they become eligible.

Question 7. Why only these three countries? And why only religious persecution of above-notified denominations?
Answer: The CAA deals with persecution on religious lines in three neighboring countries where the Constitution provides for a specific State religion. Followers of other religions have been persecuted in these three countries. The Bill is very focused and provides a remedy for a particular situation in which some foreigners of these six minority communities find themselves.

Question 8. Does this mean that Muslims from these 3 countries can never get Indian citizenship?
Answer: No. Muslims from these three and all other countries can always apply for Indian citizenship and get it if they are eligible. The CAA has not stopped any foreigner from any country from taking citizenship of India provided he meets the existing qualifications under the law. During the last six years, approximately 2830 Pakistani citizens, 912 Afghani citizens, and 172 Bangladeshi citizens have been given Indian citizenship. Many hundreds of them are from the majority community in these three countries. Such migrants continue to get Indian citizenship and shall also continue to get it if they fulfill the eligibility conditions already provided in the law for registration or naturalization. About 14,864 Bangladeshi nationals including many from the majority community were also granted Indian citizenship after incorporating more than fifty enclaves of Bangladesh into Indian territory post the boundary agreement between the two countries in 2014.

Question 9. Whom does CAA apply to?
Answer: It is relevant only for Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi and Christian foreigners who have migrated fled from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan into India up to 31.12.2014 on account of persecution faced by them due to their religion. It does not apply to any other foreigners including Muslims migrating to India from any country including these three countries.




Some myths bursted

Posted circulated by actor Farhan Akhtar

Link to previous thread -

Genuine links from verified twitter handlers and other news media will be also allowed as separate posts to counter the lies and propaganda being spread!
All single one liner opinions will be continued to be removed! Please no random screenshots with opinions!
submitted by Orwellisright to IndiaSpeaks [link] [comments]

Ekalavya: Why did it happen the way it happened to him

A while ago on this (https://www.reddit.com/hinduism/comments/faoscq/tolerance_has_a_limit_then_intolerance_becomes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) post, I was saying this:
That doesn't mean those who are both physically and more importantly mentally capable of wielding one should give it up in the hopes of peace. That doesn't mean attack indiscriminately either. That is exactly the story of Ekalavya. 
And a couple of our friends wanted to understand the relevance to Ekalavya. Here we go.
To weild a weapon, one must posses at least three qualifications: purpose, balance and skill.
Ekalavya got the skill - we should give it to him. In some areas he is probably better than arjuna, maybe, we don't know. Or at least, I never seen it mentioned so in the original scriptures, but we could give him some room on this one.
Next, let's take purpose.
Ekalavya wanted to learn advanced weaponary. The kind of weaponary knowledge Ekalavya was seeking were beyond the needs of a king of a very large kingdom.
In todays terms, Ekalavya wanted to learn how to build, operate and deploy nuclear war heads, inter-continental ballistic missiles, bombs and even the weapons that could control elements - e.g. water and air. Not just one, all of them.
Fortunately, we don't have such weapons that could control elements yet. And they did not use biological weapons, they considered it nIchaM and hEyaM, a sign of incapability. We have them - so we are equal, I guess?
Anyways, coming back to the point, was Ekalavya fit to be a king? Let us examine.
First let us touch his background a bit and examine who he is. Let us start with his role in his society: he was a common man, living in a very rural society, in very close proximity of forest. He was sort of a hunter-gatherer, along with doing some farming.
Second, his role in politics. Again, he is a common man. Not a politician. His interest is like most of us. At most, we like to pass a few comments.
Third, skill set. To be a king, it is not just enough to be strong and skilled in the arts of war. War is just a part of policy for the kings. As we see today, a politician has a lot more on his plate other than war. A war, ideally, is a very rare occurance for a king.
They need to understand and become expert in dealing with a lot of social, economic issues, diplomacy, management and more importantly, control. Too little control, the society becomes falls apart, too much control - the society ceases to exist, eventually triggering a revolution.
In addition, a king must have dharmAdharma vichakShaNa and extreme self-control. These are minimum qualities required for one to be considered for a potential king training and evaluation.
A potential king is taught all of the various techniques, accumulated knowledge, tips and tricks to deal with whatever his duties will be.
We need to note, a queen is considered equal to a king. She must know everything a king knows and more. She must also know how to keep the king in check.
A king must understand law, order and punishment. Any punishment must fit the crime. It should deter others from commiting similar crime, while not being excessive. As we can see today, it is extremely hard to achieve that fine balance.
In short, a potential king is taught how to be benevolent and just with extreme balance.
While we are at it, we also need to understand being a king was considered a responsibility, not a privilege. We also need to note that kings were treated as employees and were paid salaries - often very generous but still salaries. The kings do not own their kingdom!
Now, let us examine if Ekalavya could be a king.
Let us examine some of the basic qualities a potential king must have: willing to take on responsibility, maintain law and order, be a just ruler and practice extreme balance.
First, he must be interested to be a king. He never showed interest in becoming a king. He never wanted to take up on the responsibility of a ruler. His goal was to learn advanced weaponary and become the greatest in that field.
Second, even if he is interested, he does not have the concept of justice in a much larger social system, very much like most of us. We all have concepts of basic justice, but I am sure most of us are not qualified to pass judgements in a court of law. And he is not interested in learning justice or even the rules of law. He goes to guru drONAcharya and asks him to teach him advanced weaponary.
Finally, he never pariticipated in large economies to understand the dynamics of economic systems at a country level, again like most of us.
In short, Ekalavya is just like most of us: a common man. A very common man who lived by as an hunter-gatherer and farmer. Paid his taxes. Did not wish to be bothered about how the system works.
For his profession and life-style, he does need weapons. But his needs are very basic.
We can compare his needs to those of farmers and hunters in today's world. Farmers today need to maintain some basic weaponry, sickles, sticks etc. And in most developed countries, they are either explicitly or implicitly licensed to maintain certain kinds of guns. His needs were similar. He used to hunt with a bow and arrows, spears etc.
So, there is no definitive purpose. So, if a common man today wants to learn and practice how to build, operate and deploy bombs and nuclear weapons, would the government allow it? Would you allow it? Would you live next door to such a person?
Finally, the balance.
Anyone who is weilding a weapon must be extremely well balanced. Unfortunately, in todays world, this principle is violated so often. In fact, it is very rare to see someone weilding a weapon display a very fine balance, exert extreme control over their emotions and a very judicious use of such power. As a result, we almost live in a chaos.
Ekalavya was not much different.
We know the story of how he shoots seven arrows into a dog's mouth. While it displays an extreme skill, it also displays his lack of control over his emotions and lack of a sense of balance.
It is the nature of a dog to bark. On top of it, the hunter's dogs are trained to bark when they notice something. They are trained to stand their station and bark until their "handler" arrives and relieve them. Being a hunter himself Ekalavya understands this very well.
Ideally, when a dog noticed his presence and barked, Ekalavya should have just left it alone, like how we let a police dog sniff us, say, in a Railway Station. Or, he could just throw a small stone at it and it'll run away.
Instead, he decided to shoot seven arrows into a dog's mouth whose nature is to bark and trained to bark. He is annoyed just by a dog's bark. And in returne, he shot a dog. With seven arrows!
While demonstrating his lack of control over his own emotions, it also goes on to display his extreme interest in demonstrating his weaponary at every opportunity without evaluating the situation. He could be easily triggered by smart minds.
Thus, guru drONAchArya denied him the knowledge of advanced weapons. Not because he is not a kshatriya, but because he is seeking something he does not need and cannot control.
Having said that, what happened to him, was it justified? No. Absolutely not. For that, guru drONAchArya had to pay the price - by having his own head cut off.
यस्माच्च येन च यथा च यदा च यच्च
यावच्च यत्र च शुभाशुभमात्म-कर्म ।
तस्माच्च तेन च तथा च तदा च तच्च
तावच्च तत्र च विधातृ-वशाद् उपैति ॥
yasmAchcha yena cha yathA cha yadA cha yachcha
yAvachcha yatra cha shubhAshubhamAtma\-karma |
tasmAchcha tena cha tathA cha tadA cha tachcha
tAvachcha tatra cha vidhAtR^i\-vashAd upaiti ||
Happy to take any questions, as long as they originate in curiosity or interest. Any baseless criticism will meet an extremely thick skin.
These are the excerpts of discussions and debates between myself and and fellow scholars. Everything said here is thoroughly discussed observations of eminent scholars e.g. Dr. Pullela Sriramachandrudu, for example. Some of their discussions are now in the open - YouTube carries a lot of them.
Both myself and other scholars involved study discussions and discourses from Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and English languages and discussions in SanskritaM, where they exist. All references are from `mUla mahAbhArataM` by Gita Press, Gorakhpur and TTD Publications, Tirupati.

Edit 1: Typos and about the author.
submitted by 15MillionCelsius to hinduism [link] [comments]

[Secret] Securing Our Future

August 2033
With Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan formally ceded to the Republic of India in the Treaty of Paris, India's geo-strategic objectives in the the region have been secured. The seizure of Gilgit-Baltistan separated long-time allies China and Pakistan from one another (and in so doing, deprived China of an Indian Ocean outlet for its goods). Moreover, the territory has given India a direct land route to Central Asia through the Wakhan Corridor, though India has yet to formalize a highway and motor transfer agreement with Afghanistan.
India is loathe to give up this newfound advantage. Already, India has been undertaking efforts to turn the province into a veritable fortress, including the construction of new roads, railways, military bases, and airfields as well as the dramatic expansion of border police and paramilitary presence within the territory. Still, these measures are meant to hold onto territory. They are not as focused on making that territory Indian.
That's where the National Register of Citizens and the Indian Homestead Act come in. These laws have already been used to great effect in the Indian-administered portions of Kashmir, where most of the area's several million Muslim residents have been displaced. Most were deported to Bangladesh, whose protests against this policy eventually stopped when India's foreign aid contributions to the country dramatically increased. The most fortunate were granted work visas by one of the Gulf States (most notably the UAE, who negotiated a special arrangement with India for this purpose in the late 2020s), or were otherwise allowed relocation out of the country under immigration or asylum laws. Those that remain languish in detention centers, their ultimate fates unclear.
Removing Muslims is only half of the Indianization process. Taking a page out of the Israeli playbook, wherein Jewish settlers are used to change facts on the ground and to create loyal communities of resistance within the Occupied Palestinian Territories, India has made it its mission to replace these old Muslims communities with a loyal Hindu population. This has been achieved through the combination of the Foreigners' Property Act of 2026 (which made it illegal for foreigners to hold real estate without a license, and which maintained the government's policy that illegal immigrants cannot own real estate. This, coupled with the National Register of Citizens, has been used to dispossess millions of Muslims of their property over the last seven years) and the Indian Homestead Act (2027) (which auctioned off those same confiscated properties to Indian citizens at well below market rates on the condition that they continue to own the property for fifteen years).
GeosimWith India's rapidly growing (and overwhelmingly young) population, this policy has seen extensive use. Hindu communities now dominate the region (Jammu, which was already majority-Hindu, is now roughly 85 percent Hindu, while Kashmir is somewhere around 40 percent Hindu) and are afforded heavy protection by Indian forces in the area. The Sashastra Seema Bal is especially active in these communities, ensuring that they are thoroughly Indian. The population is collaborative with the Indian forces in combating the threat of terrorists and separatists--for they are well aware that should those forces infiltrate Kashmir again, it will be their communities that they target. Neighborhood watches, RSS groups, and other "paramilitary" groups are an essential part of life in the state, with many young Kashmiri Hindus volunteering for service in one of India's police or Armed Services.
Now, then, the issue is to spread this policy to Gilgit-Baltistan.
Demographic Transition in Gilgit-Baltistan and Neelum District
Assuming current population growth trends continued throughout the period of 2013 (for Gilgit-Baltistan) or 2017 (for Neelum District) to 2033 (so about 2 percent population growth per year), Gilgit-Baltistan is home to just over 1.8 million people, while Neelum District is home to just under 260,000, bringing the total population of the territories liberated from Pakistan to about 2 million. All, or near enough to all, of these people are Muslims, and most are of extremely dubious loyalty to the state of Hindusthana. Many of these communities have played host to terrorist training camps or weapons caches in the past, believing themselves to be important participants in the armed struggle for Kashmir’s liberation from India.
It is in Hindusthana’s best interest, then, that these communities be neutralized in one of three ways: pacification, displacement, or replacement.
Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan were at the frontlines of the recent war against China and Pakistan. With heavy fighting commonplace and the Indian Army constantly advancing, hundreds of thousands of the region’s residents fled from the front lines back towards Pakistan. While some of these people are now content to continue living their lives in Pakistan (believing--perhaps rightfully so--that they would be persecuted if they returned to their homes), others wish to return to their homes in Kashmir, piecing their lives back together under the new administration.
Only, India has absolutely no intention of allowing them to do so. Mirroring Israel’s policy towards Palestinian refugees from the 1947 war, India will not offer the right of return to Kashmiri refugees and their descendents. Those who attempt to return will be denied entrance at the few legal border crossings between India and Pakistan. The few who manage to slip across the border without authorization will be treated as illegal immigrants and will be deported to Pakistan.
Taking yet more inspiration from Israel, the Indian Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces, and Police Forces operating in the region will also utilize house demolition as collective punishment against the families of those who participate in separatist or Islamist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaesh-e-Mohammed. The public justification for this policy, like in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, will be that the demolished houses are in violation of Indian building codes in the region, and are therefore a threat to public safety. An astute observer might note that of course these buildings were not built to Indian building codes, as the territory was occupied and administered by Pakistan for almost a century. Indian administrators do not seem to care about this distinction. Building code violations are just a cover.
Finally, India will extend its existing policy suite into the newly-liberated territories of Jammu & Kashmir. The territory is currently the only portion of India where the citizens have not been properly filed into the National Register of Citizens. Reviving the process of the late 2020s, India will begin to process all of the residents of Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan into the National Register of Citizens.
This process stands to be exceedingly difficult for the residents of these territories. First, the staggeringly low literacy rate of the population residing there (~65 percent), the limited reach of the Pakistani government in the region (which, until recently, governed Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan as autonomous regions, meaning many of the residents lacked the proper paperwork to demonstrate citizenship and residency within Pakistan proper), and the limited lingua franca exposure in the province (most of the residents speak local languages, which made it difficult to interface with Pakistani government services offered in Urdu and English), means that many of these individuals struggle to properly interface with government services to begin with.
This issue has been exacerbated by the Indian and Hindusthani Constitutions, which have (purposefully or not) excluded many of the major languages of Gilgit-Baltistan and Neelum District from the Scheduled Languages, meaning that the government is not obligated to provide services in these languages. Major languages like Burushaski (112,000 speakers in 2016), Purgi (94,000 speakers in 2016), Shina (640,000 speakers in 2016, and the plurality language in Gilgit-Baltistan), Wakhi (somewhere between 20,000 and 60,000 speakers in 2016), and Khowar (300,000 speakers in 2004). Even for those fortunate enough to speak Balti (some 400,000 persons in 2016) find themselves denied easy access to government services. While Balti is the same language as Ladakhi/Bodhi/Bhoti (which is a Scheduled Language in India/Hindusthana), it is written primarily in the Perso-Arabic alphabet, while Ladakhi/Bodhi/Bhoti is written in the Tibetan script. So even though some residents of Gilgit-Baltistan nominally have access to government services in their language, the script on the forms is effectively illegible to them. For the others, they are far less fortunate: they can interface with the Indian/Hindusthani bureaucracy of the region in English, Hindi, one of the Scheduled Languages (most likely Urdu), or not at all.
Naturally, those who cannot interface effectively with the Indian/Hindusthani bureaucracy will have a difficult time providing the necessary documents to demonstrate their residency. These people will face a similar fate to those Indian Muslims who have been denied citizenship since 2027: their cases will be taken to semi-judicial Citizens Tribunals, where the individual holds the burden of proof in the monumental task of convincing the State that they ought to be considered citizens. Appeals are allowed, but costly, locking most of the residents of Gilgit-Baltistan and Neelum District (some of the poorest places in South Asia) out.
Those who are adjudicated as non-citizens throughout this process will be systematically detained and deported to either Bangladesh or Pakistan or be permitted to apply for a work visa in the Gulf States. Under the Foreigners’ Property Act of 2026, the property of these individuals will be confiscated, as illegal immigrants are not allowed to own property in India/Hindusthana.
The Indian Homestead Act, which sells property previously owned by illegal immigrants to Indian/Hindusthani citizens at well below market rates on the condition that they reside in the property for at least fifteen years, will be expanded to the newly-liberated portions of Jammu & Kashmir. In addition to the property of illegal immigrants, this Act will also sell properties that are destroyed and/or vacant, thereby getting new (primarily Hindu) residents for the properties abandoned during the war. With two million residents (pre-war) and an average household size of 7.7 persons, there are some ~260,000 households in the newly-liberated portions of Jammu & Kashmir.
With the country’s massive population of 1.6 billion, most of whom are under the age of thirty, the Indian/Hindusthani government expects this policy to see extensive use by young Indians/Hindusthanis looking to take advantage of the wildly low property prices to get their lives started. With the creation of Hindusthana in 2033, it is also anticipated that several internally displaced populations, like the Lhotsampas of Bhutan (many of whom now live in Nepal) and Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in India, will take advantage of this policy to move out of their cramped, crowded refugee camps and get a new start. The impoverished populations of Nepal, like the people of the Terai, are also expected to send a significant number of “settlers” as well.
Those houses that are not sold through the Indian Homestead Act will be made available to refugees fleeing to India under the Persons Fleeing Religious Persecution Act (2027), which grants asylum to Hindus (including Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains) fleeing persecution in their home countries. The burden of proof for “fleeing persecution” is remarkably low, effectively enabling Hindus living in any non-Hindu majority country carte blanche to relocate to India/Hindusthana. These individuals, coming primarily from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Myanmar, will face priority resettlement in Jammu & Kashmir, living in confiscated agricultural and residential properties. The Sashastra Seema Bal will be particularly active in these communities, helping the refugees to integrate into the Indian/Hindusthani way of life, while cadres of the RSS will set up Hindi/English language clinics and provide translation assistance services to make sure these groups are capable of adequately interfacing with the Indian/Hindusthani bureaucracy.
These newly-resettled communities, with their demonstrated loyalty to the Indian/Hindusthani state, will be exempted from most of the repressive measures used in the non-pacificed communities. They will be able to participate in national elections, have access to the Internet, and be permitted to move without advance permission from State authorities.
Of course, India/Hindusthana does not expect the people of the newly-liberated segments of Jammu & Kashmir to simply roll over and allow these things to happen to them. Hence, the massive paramilitary deployment in the region. Hundreds of thousands of Indian/Hindusthani paramilitary and regular army troops are deployed in the territory of Jammu & Kashmir, with a disproportionate amount of them in Neelum District and Gilgit-Baltistan. Highly trained in counter-insurgency tactics, these units are the first line of defense against Islamist and separatists insurgents in the territory, and are tasked with the defense of the growing Hindu communities in the region (who are expected to be the targets of punitive violence from displaced Muslims) and ensuring that the remaining Muslim population is incapable of mounting meaningful resistance against the government.
Here, India/Hindusthana again looks to Israel for inspiration. India/Hindusthana will look to improve the already impressive counter-insurgency talents of the forces stationed in the territory. The paramilitary forces, already highly militarized (most use the same equipment as the Indian Army, while the remainder are equipped with Indian Army surplus), will be granted a new wave of funding to improve their equipment and training (Israeli counter-insurgency trainers will be hired to help with the training process). New drone technologies like the HAL Palaka will enable the Border Security Force and other agencies to maintain a permanent surveillance presence along the Hindusthani-Pakistani and Sino-Hindusthani borders, making it difficult for illegal immigrants and (more importantly) insurgents and their materiel to cross the border into Hindusthana. Meanwhile, new ground equipment like the Nakula, equipped with its mine-resistant armor and its light active protection system, will help defend security personnel from ATGM and IED attacks launched by insurgents. In addition to constant aerial surveillance over the borders and the territory of the province, India/Hindusthana will be mounting frequent armed patrols throughout the mountain passes of the territory, allowing them to locate and neutralize any insurgents attempting to use the mountains as cover. Insurgent hardpoints will be cleared out by Indian special forces with air support as necessary. Furthermore, permanent observation posts/watchtowers have been set up along known smuggling routes.
Since 2018, Jammu & Kashmir has been kept under President’s Rule. This special status abrogates a state’s right to self-governance (in this case, leading to the abolition of the Jammu & Kashmir legislature) and certain liberties of its inhabitants, including the rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly (and by extension the freedom to protest), and freedom of movement (among others). This status will remain in effect for the near-future, allowing security forces in the region to act with a much freer hand than they might otherwise be provided. Movement from town to town is prohibited without advance permission from the state, which requires submitting a detailed itinerary to the government for approval. Similarly, internet access has been effectively cut off, with what little traffic remains forcibly routed through a proxy farm surveilled by the Indian/Hindusthani government. In line with existing Indian policy towards the region since the 1990s, reporters are barred from entering the territory. These measures should make it easier to keep tabs on potential subversives, to suppress news about ongoing abuses and human rights violations by Indian security forces (though, frankly, the world hasn’t really cared up until now, either), and to keep any effective opposition from mounting.
Mandatory-carry Aadhaar ID cards (linked to the electronic Aadhaar system) have been instituted throughout the territory, and are necessary for basically any interaction with the government. Like in the rest of India/Hindusthana, an Aadhaar number is mandatory to sign up for government services (pensions, legal battles, vehicle registration, etc), but also a large amount of private functions as well (the registration of utilities, purchasing a mobile/data plan or internet plan, and the opening of bank accounts, to name a few). With each Aadhaar card bearing a unique identifying number and a photo of the cardholder, this has afforded the Indian/Hindusthani government the opportunity to compile staggeringly detailed profiles of all of the people living within the territory. Jammu & Kashmir will serve as a proving ground for a new generation of Indian/Hindusthani surveillance.
Using the information collected via the Aadhaar card, security personnel will monitor the movement, purchasing patterns, and other habits of every single resident of the territory (with special attention paid, of course, to the region’s Muslim inhabitants. This is, of course, not due to their religion, but due to the increased security threat they pose. We promise.). Suspicious behavior (large purchases, multiple phone plans, strange financial transactions, etc) will flag individuals for closer surveillance.
This is where the next stage comes into play. India/Hindusthana will set up a network of CCTV cameras throughout the settlements. The cameras will be connected to a centralized hub, through which security personnel will be able to run facial recognition searches throughout the whole territory, following the example set by China and Israel [M] and, in real life but not IG, the US in its response to the George Floyd protests [/M]. Cameras will also be set up at the entrances and exits to settlements to record the license plates of vehicles passing through, which will be cross-referenced against approved movement permits to catch people violating the movement restrictions. This will allow security personnel to track the movement of individuals throughout the state, and, in the event that someone is found to be engaged in subversive activities, give investigators leads on who else might be part of said activities by going back through their contacts and public appearances. India/Hindusthana has reached out to Russian (NTechLab), Israeli (AnyVision), and American (Google, Microsoft, and Apple) firms to invite them to tender bids for this technology.
In addition to this “prevent defense” strategy, where India/Hindusthani security personnel attempt to eliminate insurgent threats before they have the opportunity to mount attacks, India/Hindusthana will focus an array of defensive measures around the Hindu-majority communities being settled in the region. The dispossessions and resettlements outlined in the above sections will be staged throughout the territory, allowing security personnel to concentrate their defensive efforts on specific communities. Once a given community is secured, a new wave of displacement and resettlement will occur, with the security personnel focusing their additional defensive efforts on those new communities.
submitted by TheManIsNonStop to Geosim [link] [comments]

Linguistic Archaeology: A real world example

Here is the Zapotec Pantheon based on linguistic development over time.
Names from Zapotec mythology
  1. Batman
  2. Beydo
  3. Cocijo
  4. Cociyo
  5. Copichja
  6. Copijcha
  7. Coque Nexo
  8. Coquee Laa
  9. Coqueelaa
  10. Coquenexo
  11. Coqui Bezelao
  12. Coqui Huani
  13. Coqui Nexo
  14. Coqui Xee
  15. Coquie Laa
  16. Coquinexo
  17. Corichacozee
  18. Cosana
  19. Coxana
  20. Cozaana
  21. Cozichacozee
  22. Dios Murciélago
  23. Dubdo
  24. Gobicha
  25. Gocio
  26. Huichaana
  27. Huichana Dao
  28. Huichana Quiag Lao
  29. Kedo
  30. Locio
  31. Loçio
  32. Lociyo
  33. Mbaz
  34. Mbeydo
  35. Mdi
  36. Mdozin
  37. Mse
  38. Ndan
  39. Ndo'yet
  40. Ndoyet
  41. Ndozin
  42. Ndubdo
  43. Nohuichaana
  44. Nohuichana
  45. Pichana Gobeche
  46. Pichanto
  47. Piquete Ziña
  48. Pítao Copícha
  49. Quiabelagayo
  50. Quíe Beloo Gaayo
Developmental Alphabet by popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
29 58% 22 44% 32 64% 43 86% 21 42%
B % C % D % F % G %
11 22% 33 66% 13 26% 0 0% 7 14%
H % J % K % L % M %
14 28% 3 6% 1 2% 11 22% 6 12%
N % P % Q % R % S %
22 44% 6 12% 14 28% 1 2% 2 4%
T % V % W % X % Y %
5 10% 0 0% 0 0% 6 12% 7 14%
Z %
8 16%
Popularity of Use
86% O:
66% C, O:
64% I, C, O:
58% A, I, C, O:
44% N, E, A, I, C, O:
42% U, N, E, A, I, C, O:
28% H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Nohuichana, Nohuichaana, Huichaana, Coqui Huani,
26% D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Ndan, Huichana Dao,
22% B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Ndubdo, Loçio, Locio, Dubdo, Coquie Laa, Coqueelaa, Coquee Laa,
16% Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Ndozin, Cozichacozee, Cozaana, Coqui Bezelao,
14% G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Quíe Beloo Gaayo, Quiabelagayo, Lociyo, Huichana Quiag Lao, Gocio, Gobicha, Cociyo, Beydo,
12% M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Pichana Gobeche, Mse, Mdozin, Mdi, Mbeydo, Mbaz, Coxana, Coquinexo, Coqui Xee, Coqui Nexo, Coquenexo, Coque Nexo, Batman
10% T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Pítao Copícha, Piquete Ziña, Pichanto, Ndoyet, Ndo'yet,
6% J, T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Copijcha, Copichja, Cocijo,
4% S, J, T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Cosana,
2% R, K, S, J, T, M, P, X, G, Y, Z, B, L, D, H, Q, U, N, E, A, I, C, O: Dios Murciélago, Kedo, Corichacozee,
28% Earliest known Gods appear as Nohuichana, Nohuichaana (goddess of Creation)- her partner cozaana actually appears much later, Huichaana (a variation on nohuichaana), and Coqui Huani (god of light entertainment). So the initial Zapotec Pantheon is the Goddess of Creation and the God of Humor.
26% the variations on the creator goddess continue to spread, but now Ndan (sea god/goddess - gender unknown) appears.
22% we get pantheon growth with Ndubdo (god of corn), Loçio (god of unpleasant weather), Locio(ditto), Dubdo(corn), Coquie Laa (god of wealth/red food colouring), Coqueelaa(ditto), Coquee Laa(ditto), thus we see the Agricultural pantheon development.
16% Ndozin (god of death, justice, night, and messenger of the sea god), Cozichacozee (god of war), Cozaana (a new 'creator god' now paired with the initial creator goddess), Coqui Bezelao (god of death) appear. Looks like the peaceful times have ended,
Largest Pantheon Growth occurs during the 14%-12% period.
Spanish arrive at 2% (with Dios Murciélago-spanish batman) not quite ending further cultural development- R is absorbed from the Spanish resulting in Corichacozee (god of war). Kedo (evil god of death- suddenly the god of death is evil, likely caused by christian influence).
Nd- prefix subgroup 1. Ndan 2. Ndo'yet 3. Ndoyet 4. Ndozin 5. Ndubdo
Developmental Alphabet by popularity of use
A % E % I % O % U %
1 20% 2 40% 1 20% 4 80% 1 20%
B % C % D % F % G %
1 20% 0 0% 5 100% 0 0% 0 0%
H % J % K % L % M %
0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
N % P % Q % R % S %
5 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
T % V % W % X % Y %
2 40% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 2 40%
Z %
1 20%
Popularity of use
100% N, D: Nd-
80% O, N, D:
40% T, E, Y, O, N, D: Ndoyet (death & sacred objects), Ndo'yet(ditto),
20% Z, B, A, I, U, T, E, Y, O, N, D: Ndan (sea), Ndozin (death & justice), Ndubdo (corn)
Who are the ND- subgroup?
Spiritually they have two factions worshiping a god of death & sacred objects before developing a larger pantheon but they introduce the sea god to the Zapotec pantheon first and these other gods are not introduced at once to the Zapotec, but over a time period of linguistic and spiritual growth.
A navigator of the ND subgroup introduces the seagod to the early Zapotec pantheon, at the height of the ND people pantheon development. They have and sacred objects before this, and corn, and a judicial system around the same time they make contact with the Zapotec. Dubdo (zapotec corn god) suggests that the zapotec gave corn to the ND people. ND* appears to be a prefix indicating this is a god of the ND- people.
How and why to Use this
You can not just work out the development of religions from that first creator goddess in your world building, you can use this to examine the development of naming conventions to determine the name of the caveman from whom your culture is descended. You can examine geographic names and find the first mountain named by the people who live in the region thus determining where they lived, or what river valley they were located in before they expanded across the land. Once you start building a huge database of information on the linguistic development of your world, you will find unviable links proving that other options you hadnt considered are more likely to have occurred.
Examining the same word across multiple languages can determine where that word comes from, and provide clues as to why. The word Light originates in a south african language, and is a word that includes the protoindoeuropean Sel- phonetic which means settlement implying they were protoindoeuropean or had contact with protoindoeuropeans. It spreads up the african coast northeast to the tamil in south east india bypassing cultures, and northwest to congo and irish languages (an unexpected result except that recently an abandoned ship drifted on currents from off the congo to the irish coast implying an early coastal sea trade route).
submitted by Valianttheywere to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

Animal Sacrifice for bakrid is justified but not, Jallikattu, an ancient sport?

Previous thread - https://www.reddit.com/india/comments/40xlky/killing_animals_for_bakrid_is_okay_but_jalikattu/ I think this is more than just minority appeasement. This is about how flawed our judicial system is. Also consider sallu bhai's case. What chance does a common man have against such hypocritical judiciary.
EDIT: I have added my comment to elaborate the post, which you should read before believing in your false claims.
They have to regulate the instances which torture the animal. Not Ban the sport itself. But, read through the following for a deep insight into what jallikattu is all about.
The Supreme Court of India has banned jallikattu. I am a vegetarian and defend animal rights. However, I see this judgment as an attack on Indian heritage. If the cruelty to animals is the real concern, why not ban halal slaughter first and then killing of any animal for meat before targeting jallikattu? There is no greater hypocrisy than tolerating the slaughter of millions of cattle by the meat industry while taking a holier than thou attitude toward jallikattu. The double standards of PETA and Indian SC are appalling.
Indian judicial system is a joke. Literally millions of cases are pending for decades without any hope that the litigants would get justice. A woman who is a victim of polygamy cannot hope to receive any justice from this system. Corrupt politicians who have amassed billions are rarely punished. Yet, this pathetic institution overzealously bans a traditional sport. Martial castes, please take an antagonistic stance toward the SC judgment.
Native breeds as a factor
There were 130 or so cattle breeds in India 100 years ago and now there are only 37. Unless we engage with the traditional livestock keepers and support them, we will lose these breeds as well as lay the ground for commercial cattle based dairies and slaughter houses to dominate the country
Native cattle have evolved over millennia, adapting to the local environmental conditions. They are an integral part of farming, especially for small and marginal farmers as they serve multiple purposes like ploughing, transportation, source for farmyard manure. The native cattle are both an input as well as insurance to the livestock keepers.
Why Jallikattu matters
Stud bulls are reared by people for jallikattu. The ones that win are much in demand for servicing the cows. Small farmers cannot afford to keep stud bulls, so each village has a common temple bull which services the cows of the village. Jallikattu is the show where bulls are brought and exhibited. The ones which are most agile (and virile) are preferred by farmers. The calves from such bulls are in demand.
Stud bulls need to be alert, virile, and agile. In the peak of their reproductive period, they need to secrete the necessary male hormones and experience adrenalin rushes and pumping hearts. They need this for them to be virile. This is in the interest of the species as selective breeding is done to propagate the species. Stud bulls are used for jallikattu and mating only. Experienced bulls enjoy the situation and display a well thought out exit from the sport. Many of them show off by shaking their heads as a warning. This shows their familiarity with the Jallikattu event.
Native cows do not yield as much milk as the imported breeds. So they don’t have a supportive or sponsored breeding programme. Artificial means are not adopted for native breeds. So as a fall out of the banning of jallikattu, they will soon fade away and become extinct.
Under article 48 of the constitution of India the state has to endeavour to preserve and improve the breeds and prevent slaughter of cows and calves and other draught and milk cattle. Hence the Union government has to intervene in this issue.
According to principles 1, 2 & 3 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), to which India is a signatory state, livestock keepers are creators of breeds and custodians of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture; livestock keepers and the sustainable use of traditional breeds are dependent on the conservation of their respective ecosystems; traditional breeds represent collective property, they are the products of indigenous knowledge and the cultural expression of livestock keepers.
Why is there so much opposition to jallikattu?
There are two angles to the opposition.
First is the urban disconnect with rural India and all that it entails.
Policies are made by city folk. If we look at media reports over the last decade or so, every headline screams about injuries in a jallikattu event. The focus of the urban editors and reporters has always been on sensationalizing news and grabbing eyeballs. Fed with this constant diet over a decade, it’s no surprise that so many internet warriors are shouting about jallikattu.
In a year, there are 10,000 instances of a bull leaving the vaadi vaasal (gate) during jallikattu. Of the thousands of players who take part, hardly 50-100 get injured in a year, and deaths are much much less. The number of villagers who lose their lives to snake bites is easily a few hundred a year.
The second group is the dairy lobby, which wants all native breeds to be eradicated. Events like jallikattu throw a spanner in their plans of creating commercial dairy farms with imported breeds just like in the West.
Beef exporters also benefit from a ban on jallikattu and other events. Farmers bring their cattle to be sold in weekly/monthly and annual shandies. Brokers will take the cattle from the farmers and hold them to be displayed to prospective buyers. Buyers fall into 3-4 categories: (1) The jallikattu enthusiast who will buy the bulls and male calves mostly; (2) Buyers of oxen for farming/transport; (3) Buyers of cows for breeding and household usage; (4) Beef traders who are mostly if not all agents of export companies and slaughter houses based in Kerala. They buy all cattle as they are only interested in meat.
When a ban on jallikattu is in place, the simple supply-demand equation gets skewed. There are no takers in the first category, which means the bulls will only sought by the fourth category i.e. beef traders. With no demand from jallikattu enthusiasts, the price of such prized bulls falls to rock bottom. By killing the market for bulls to be used in jallikattu, the animal rights activists are directly responsible for sending them to slaughter. There is a huge demand for Bos Indicusvariety beef in the Gulf, Malaysia and Western countries. It is considered an exotic and healthy meat, just like country chicken.
Does it harm the bull?
It is said that cruelty is meted out to animals by giving them alcohol, prodding and twisting their tails etc, that organisers beat the bulls, stuffing something pungent in their nostrils, confine them in a dark, suffocating place in order to enrage them.
The reality is different. Amidst all the regulations and scrutiny, which bull owner will risk giving alcohol to the bulls? Glucose water is given to them for stamina. Out of the 10,000 instances of bulls let out a year, the anti-jallikattu activists have produced images/videos of may be 7-8 bulls where an offence might have taken place. They have the power to identify the owner and take action against him under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Each bull is registered with the authorities, with photographs as well as the owner’s information. The sport consists of holding on to the hump of the bull and running along with it for a given distance usually about 20-30 meters which is covered in barely 10-20 seconds
Every rule has an exception. We regulate to curtail the exceptions, but not to end the sport. The approach of the activists from day one has been to end jallikattu at any cost.
Are there other means of conserving the breeds?
Each breed has evolved over several millennia and in a distinct way. One method of breed conservation will not work in another area, with another breed. Every place in the world where indigenous people have lived with their livestock, there are celebratory showcase events post-harvest like kambala buffalo water racing in the Dakshin Kannada region, Ongole stone pulling in central and coastal Andhra, rekla races in western Tamil Nadu and Theni, bailgada in Maharashtra with the Killari breed. Each event has evolved locally and has stood the test of time. In-situ conservation is the best method for conserving any breed. The lifetime and health of the species is extended only due to such events. .
A ban will be fatal
Under the Convention on Biological Diversity and heritage status practices worldwide, it is customary that these ancient traditional practices are left as they are but with rules to organise and regulate them. If we lose our breeds and import foreign breeds, multinational commercial companies will dominate the dairy industry in India. The livelihood of millions in rural India is at stake here.
People who want a ban on jallikattu are far removed from village life and do not know how this chain works.
The Supreme Court and the Government of India needs to look at the big picture behind jallikattu. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) supports traditional practices to keep the chain intact and thus enable conservation of native breeds. As an ancient nation with an ancient practice going back millennia, jallikattu should be preserved. There is no torture of any animal of any sort that takes place during the sport and the evidence of this can be seen from live media telecasts. The time a bull spends engaged in the sport is less than 30 seconds. Rules have to be implemented to enhance the safety of the animals and men.
India has already lost many cattle breeds and it can’t afford to lose any more.
submitted by manjuhere to india [link] [comments]

A few stats that show the dismal state of the judiciary in India.

Some interesting stats.
The following states have the highest number of cases:
State Cases (lakhs)
UP 51
Maharashtra 30
Gujarat 22
Bihar 14
Rajasthan 13
The states with the highest & lowest number of cases per million:
Highest per million Lowest per million
Goa 41189 Mizoram 1059
Gujarat 37082 Meghalaya 1684
Chandigarh 32293 Sikkim 2371
Maharashtra 26934 Manipur 3704
Uttar Pradesh 25757 J&K 4080
The states with the highest and lowest % of cases pending for more than 10 years:
Highest % Lowest %
Gujarat 23.75% Haryana 0.07%
Orissa 18.77% Chandigarh 0.18%
Bihar 16.58% Sikkim 0.21%
WB 13.92% Punjab 0.24%
J&K 12.95% Himachal Pradesh 0.44%
The states with the highest and lowest % of criminal cases
Highest % Lowest %
Bihar 83.53% Tamil Nadu 37.85%
Uttarakhand 82.67% Daman and Diu 43.59%
Jharkhand 82.19% Andhra Pradesh 44.88%
Chhattisgarh 77.7% Himachal Pradesh 47.86%
Odisha 75.95% Manipur 47.93%
The most and least number of judges:
Highest per million Lowest per million
Daman and Diu 49 Meghalaya 6
Chandigarh 47 West Bengal 8
Goa 38 Telangana 8
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 34 Jammu and Kashmir 8
Sikkim 30 Manipur 8
Highest and lowest number of cases per judge:
Highest per judge Lowest per judge
Uttar Pradesh 2421 Mizoram 61
Kerala 2008 Sikkim 80
Odisha 1988 Daman and Diu 139
Gujarat 1899 Tripura 289
Karnataka 1639 Meghalaya 294
Raw Data
State Population Civil Cases Criminal Cases Total Cases >10 years % >10 Years % of Criminal Cases % of Civil Cases Cases per capita No. of Judges Cases per Judge Judges per capita
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 379944 2956 5994 8950 672 7.51% 66.97% 33.03% 23556 13 688 34
Andhra Pradesh 49386799 234709 191113 425822 7641 1.79% 44.88% 55.12% 8622 503 847 10
Assam 31169272 50280 139855 190135 2545 1.34% 73.56% 26.44% 6100 289 658 9
Bihar 103804637 231125 1171789 1402914 232567 16.58% 83.53% 16.47% 13515 1310 1071 13
Chandigarh 1054686 15875 18185 34060 61 0.18% 53.39% 46.61% 32294 50 681 47
Chhattisgarh 25540196 41583 144876 186459 13500 7.24% 77.7% 22.3% 7301 275 678 11
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 342853 1597 2431 4028 383 9.51% 60.35% 39.65% 11748 3 1343 9
Daman and Diu 242911 941 727 1668 71 4.26% 43.59% 56.41% 6867 12 139 49
Delhi 16753235 81783 190409 272192 4856 1.78% 69.95% 30.05% 16247 200 1361 12
Goa 1457723 25148 34895 60043 2173 3.62% 58.12% 41.88% 41190 56 1072 38
Gujarat 60383628 712745 1526459 2239204 531767 23.75% 68.17% 31.83% 37083 1179 1899 20
Haryana 25353081 227017 284680 511697 365 0.07% 55.63% 44.37% 20183 659 776 26
Himachal Pradesh 6864602 86950 79797 166747 727 0.44% 47.86% 52.14% 24291 181 921 26
Jammu and Kashmir 12548926 20973 30231 51204 6629 12.95% 59.04% 40.96% 4080 104 492 8
Jharkhand 32966238 51620 238176 289796 9742 3.36% 82.19% 17.81% 8791 531 546 16
Karnataka 61130704 609299 613649 1222948 20642 1.69% 50.18% 49.82% 20005 746 1639 12
Kerala 33387677 309564 545951 855515 7676 0.9% 63.82% 36.18% 25624 426 2008 13
Madhya Pradesh 72597565 130926 375772 506698 7598 1.5% 74.16% 25.84% 6980 616 823 8
Maharashtra 112372972 1076328 1950356 3026684 253043 8.36% 64.44% 35.56% 26934 2344 1291 21
Manipur 2721756 5250 4833 10083 1054 10.45% 47.93% 52.07% 3705 23 438 8
Meghalaya 2964007 1545 3449 4994 162 3.24% 69.06% 30.94% 1685 17 294 6
Mizoram 1091014 409 747 1156 6 0.52% 64.62% 35.38% 1060 19 61 17
Odisha 41947358 236123 745717 981840 184263 18.77% 75.95% 24.05% 23406 494 1988 12
Punjab 27704236 242597 258212 500809 1217 0.24% 51.56% 48.44% 18077 716 699 26
Rajasthan 68621012 409986 892254 1302240 72822 5.59% 68.52% 31.48% 18977 1352 963 20
Sikkim 607688 418 1023 1441 3 0.21% 70.99% 29.01% 2371 18 80 30
Tamil Nadu 72138958 565877 344672 910549 40516 4.45% 37.85% 62.15% 12622 753 1209 10
Telangana 35286757 170904 199340 370244 23024 6.22% 53.84% 46.16% 10492 286 1295 8
Tripura 3671032 8217 17792 26009 3039 11.68% 68.41% 31.59% 7085 90 289 25
Uttar Pradesh 199281477 1288436 3844607 5133043 660439 12.87% 74.9% 25.1% 25758 2120 2421 11
Uttarakhand 10116752 31117 148450 179567 3847 2.14% 82.67% 17.33% 17749 208 863 21
West Bengal 91347736 465023 590733 1055756 146950 13.92% 55.95% 44.05% 11558 732 1442 8
India 1205237432 7337321 14597174 21934495 2240000 10.21% 66.55% 33.45% 18199 16325 1344 14
Source: National Judicial Data Grid
submitted by anon_geek to india [link] [comments]

NSA of India asks funds from poor Indian Baha'is - In it's NDF letter it states that "contributing to the Bahá'í Fund shall, once and for all, alleviate humanity from its present ailment."

Dearly loved friends
The progress and expansion of spiritual activities is dependent on material means. As activities increase, contributions to the Fund made by believers and the manner of their effective disbursement by institutions of the Faith gains increasing importance. To this end a gathering on Fund Development and Management was held on 24th and 25th February 2018 at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. 35 friends including Treasurers and assistant treasurers of State/Regional Bahá'í Councils, treasurers of Training Institute Boards as well as their assistants, and accountants serving the Councils and Training Institutes participated. These consultations were guided by the National Treasurer, the Departments of Comptroller and Treasury and the financial aide to the Counsellors who collectively assisted the friends in exploring various aspects of fund development and management. Regional Bahá'í Councils in India are reaching higher levels of complexity and what became clear is the need for a commensurate increase in efforts towards development of funds and managing them
Participants at the gathering shared their understanding and insights on the nature of sacrificial contributions to the Bahá'í funds. Experiences were shared where clusters had managed to become self-sufficient by receiving contributions both in cash and kind. The implications of the virtues of sacrifice and generosity in one’s life were identified and friends studied extracts from the Writings of the beloved Master and Guardian about how contributing to the Bahá'í Fund shall, once and for all, alleviate humanity from its present ailment.
One session was dedicated to ‘Bahá'í Funds - The needs of the Faith and the roles and responsibilities of the Institutions and Treasurers’ and friends deliberated on the various roles that Regional Bahá'í Councils undertake in the discharge of their responsibilities. Instances of fund education across India were shared and participants became more aware of the need for a smooth, uninterrupted flow of funds and for the judicious utilization of the precious monies of the Faith. Regional Bahá'í Councils were encouraged to have fund gatherings and to make every believer aware about the sacred privilege of contributing to the funds.
Another session focused on how Councils oversee the processes of growth in their regions and how this continued process has to be supported by the funds. Many Councils have started receiving contributions in kind. Gatherings are now becoming self-sufficient because believers generously contribute items required for cooking food, etc. One Council had made a list of items that would be needed during a particular campaign, distributed this list among the believers in the region and then invited pledges for contributions. The list contained items like rice, pulses, vegetables and cooking oil. Such initiatives greatly help in reducing expenses incurred during celebrations and gatherings. Another example came from Sikkim where, during the construction of an institutional facility, the Council invited volunteers to help. A number of youth the Treasurer and other assistants. The Treasurer shared how there are regular gatherings in the region where the assistants and the Treasurer study, reflect, consult and then plan lines of action. They have been able to set timelines for various tasks like fund workshops and other gatherings and have divided the responsibility among all assistants according to their sub units. A WhatsApp group of believers from across the region has been formed and quotations from the Writings are periodically shared. The requirements and needs of the Council are also shared on the WhatsApp group regularly. The Regional Bahá'í Council members pray for the contributors of that region at the start of every meeting and the Council hopes to bring out a quarterly newsletter in Tamil on funds.
Practical aspects were also discussed and the Department of Comptroller explained the process of budgeting and various statutory requirements as per law. The Department of Treasury shared guidance on the proper maintenance of accounts by the Regional/State Bahá'í Councils and Training Institute Boards. The importance of accounting for every expense was stressed on and the various heads under which Councils and Institute boards can maintain these expenses was explained. A demonstration of the tally.NET software helped participants understand how accounts can be better maintained. The financial aide to the Counsellors spoke about the budgeting process of the Institute Boards and of the systematical maintenance of their books of accounts. Various formats under which accounts can be maintained were also shared.
The following excerpt from the 29th December 2015 message of the Universal House of Justice was the focus of study and reflection throughout the gathering: As institutions and agencies seek to accelerate the processes of expansion and consolidation in every land, the question of financial resources will surely claim increased attention. Indeed, an important aspect of enhancing institutional capacity over the coming years will be the ongoing development of local and national Funds. For this to occur, the generality of the friends must be invited to consider afresh the responsibility of all believers to support the work of the Faith through their own means and, further, to manage their financial affairs in the light of the teachings. Friends returned to their regions with a greater consciousness that giving to the Fund is a spiritual privilege of which no believer should deny himself. It is both a responsibility and a source of bounty and is an act of spiritual discipline which is an intrinsic element of the devotional life of the individual.
With our warmest wishes and greetings on the joyous occasion of Naw Ruz
Forthcoming meeting of the National Spiritual Assembly
24 & 25 March 2018, New Delhi.
submitted by MirzaJan to exbahai [link] [comments]

Murdaath. Son of Mithras. Part 1.

Many have heard the wine-breathed, schizophrenic mumbling of weathered vagrants the world over, who talk of immaculate conceptions among the animal Kingdom and ancient alien conquests of planet earth - in the days of blood thirsty pre-Triassic monsters and primordial anarchy.
Obscured verbal legends, and scrolls passed on by blasphemous cults of pre-Roman Europe, tell of a tribe of primates in primordial Africa, born beneath the 'snake star', near the constellation of Orion, above the valley where it was - that a lowly female ape - caught the fancy of the gods. Her name, I am told, was Sirentia. Attractive for an ape, with long dark hair that fell over her eyes. She was known most carnally by extra terrestrial visitors, and screamed through the blood of childbirth in all horrendousness.
According to rare Tamil literature studied by Sri Lankan scholars ; Sirentia was chosen, as the most beauteous amongst the race of Macaca Fasicularis, and selected as a mating partner of the god Mithras-- that she should bear a valorous son, Murdaath, who would be destined to oversee his races ascent to primacy on earth-- in the prophesised utopia of 'the silver planet'. The first great King of monkeys and mortals.
Noble Murdaath was born in a savage age of blood, cannibalism and sacrifice, where teeth ripped out by bare hands were worn upon necklaces. So the legend goes, his step father Arzghaal had been a noble warrior, and had overseen the defeat of the neighbouring tribe of raging chimps, (Thence it is known that Arzghaal's tribe had made cups from the defeated monkey's skulls to drink the blood of their enemies, and their blooded furs were fashioned into scarves for the women).
Sirentia loved Arzghaal, but grew impatient for a child, and it is whispered that one fateful day she crossed over the hill of Atlaaas, and journeyed to the forbidden valley-- where the great one's skulls lay, and there she did make pleas with the 'ones who come down from the sky'. It is not known wether Murdaath was conceived beneath the dank rocks of the valley of the shadow, only that when Arzghaal later found his monkey-bride pregnant after five months--he flew into a jealous rage, challenging the dominant males of the tribe with angry shouting and waving of sharpened sticks. Much blood was carved upon the faces of the males of the pack that night.
When little Murdaath was born under a blood red moon, curious kinsfolk observed in him the unfamiliar sheen of olive --that formed the hue of his childish-fur, and knew then, that Sirentia had caught a father of some incredible external genetics. Arzghaal, meanwhile had stalked the pale-green baby boy bitterly as the child lay in his mothers arms, and slowly learnt to grunt and walk. Though the jealous step father kept at a distance, his prowling heart displayed the ominous signs of infanticide, which was marked by a titanic bolt of lightning and peal of thunder that echoed through the African landscape that night ---a landscape which would one day become the human kingdom of 'Kongo'.
The rain and thunder ricocheted off the stepped pyramids the night that Arzghaal planned his foster child's late abortion. Some of the other monkeys spied him as he crept up the sweeping grassy hill bearing the hallowed executioners stone. A great din arose, as the monkeys whispered in their pre-Bantu tongues that Arzghaal would soon move to break the sacred laws of Apigunta, passed on by generations of elders. But Arzghaal, (the proud and unruly) didn't count on Garimunda, one of Sirentia's early suitors, he-- huge and carved with an enormous muscular frame, seized Arzghaal, and with the hellish chants of the monkeys who gathered around the spectacle, fought Arzghaal until he bled, and threw him into the pitt at the border of the sacred tribeslands. The rain fell hard and long.
The elation of violence which came over the tribe would slowly die down, as strange things began to happen in those ensuing months. It was not the first time that the monkeys had seen the visitors, who descended from the stars in giant silver rocks, which had been smoothened into tapered disks, and flew through the night sky like silverfish. (The ones who had first delivered the prophecy of the silver planet). But since the birth of Murdaath, the monkeys noticed a bizarre increase in extra terrestrial visitation. The anorexic 'kamu' (walking chameleon), seemed to devote extra attention to the young Murdaath, beyond the usual experimentation and electric charges metred with their silver sticks. Three pale, and noble looking members of the 'kamu' gentry, robed in multi coloured silks, gathered around the naked babe constantly, prodding his face and rubbing him with foreign lotions. Paranoia hit some of the dark-furred friends of Azghaal and they began secret consultation. Some of the gathering women had witnessed meetings with Azghaal (and the black monkeys beneath the eaves of the holy Yggassa trees to the North), and fear of a raid grew prevalent amongst the tribe.
As factions divided under the blood star of planet Mars in the fifth house--Murdaath grew, playing with his mother and occasionally receiving private tuition in the valley of the shadows. Meanwhile, the black tongue had reached the whole flock, and many of the dark-furred Yulanta began to accuse Murdaath of bringing a curse upon them, blaming the enchanted child for the increasing sicknesses amidst the group-- and lapses in huntable food around the plains. Out of just such a dark shroud Azghaal returned, with a mob of armed spear-monkeys. The defenceless Sirentia, sheltering her pup was powerless against the fearsome clan as they laid assault. Many were slain. Azghaal ordered her hussies death upon the sacrificial Ziggurat, but clever Sirentia persuaded the black warriors for her final jury and testimony, subtly flirting with her old suitors, and bearing herself shamefully. After much methodic pleaing, she convinced the militia of the coup de tat that she and her son would leave camp immediately, if only they were granted their own kingdom beyond the valley of the shadow. The other apes conceded, and finally Azghaal gave lenience, but on his terms and conditions:
This he ruled; Upon the sacred vestibule was the carcass of the sacrificial bull from last weeks draw down the moon festiva. 'You may take the skin of the bull,' said Azghaal to his exiled wife, 'Wherever you lay that beyond the valley of shadow, upon that area of land may you build your kingdom, and that area alone.'
So, Sirentia took her chosen son, and the decaying bull-skin and ran off into the shadowlands.
Azghaal was most pleased, and lying upon the sacred Ziggurat he feasted with his black-furred friends, and together they drank of the purple mead which the visitors had gifted them, and the black apes grew merry and drunk as the rest of the tribe watched on in awestruck terror.
But the black furred apes were not satisfied for long, because soon... reports came back of scouts sent out beyond the valley of shadow, who reported that the trickster Sirentia had made a mockery of their judicial ruling. The words bit Azghaal like a snake-- when he learned that Sirentia had torn the bull-skin into thin strips, and laid it bare across a perimeter twice the size of the sacred lands --on the plateau above the shadowlands, and that Sirentia had proudly called herself 'the queen of the overlands', claiming that her son Murdaath would one day be King of the great silver planet. King of all that was.
There were certain attempts by the black furred apes to sack the Queen's 'overlands' in these days, but it is said that all who tried to cross the border of shadow met grotesque and unusual deaths, only charred remains were found, many guessed it was the visitors, or the giant Jurassic beasts they kept as pets outside the borderlands, in greater Alosha --who were causing the mutilations.
There are some discrepancies on the legends. It is hard to correspond the precise age translation between man and primordial ape. But one would estimate the equivalent coming of age milestones, of thirteen and twenty-one were when Murdaath received his major coronations. At thirteen he was inducted into the brotherhood of Kings, and from thence the visitors began to take him down into the caverns beneath the valley of shadows to teach him his sacred birthright.
The black monkeys of the lowlands were raised to a great fury the night of Murdaath's twenty first coronation, for the sky was full of streaking lights, as visitors from the great lights of the sky, came in droves to witness. This is the night, it is said that Murdaath gave his sacred pledge, that he was presented with gifts and robes, and his regal outfit --that would become known to all who fell beneath his might, this was when his kings robe's were first donned. He proudly wore his ceremonial gear of opaque purple. The Phrygian cap stood unchallenged on Murdaath's head, the insect-like things dressed in maroon robes gave to him then his flowing tunic, stone shield and the piece of ivory, from which he would one day soon fashion his own majestic blade. A sword that would fell nations and conquer the beings of savage lands.
On the borders of Murdaath's new kingdom, restlessness was brewing, for the black furred apes had learnt to fashion crude catapults from leftover alien craft-junk, and had prevailed in knocking some of the Kamu space vessels straight out of the sky. Fury spread across the lands like a storm.
Murdaath had already the noble aspect in him that would make him a great king, and pledged to slay the brutes of the lowlands. But the sky-born taught him patience. So it was those years, that the sky-born took him into the caves, and underground halls and taught him many lessons about his lineage and destiny. Murdaath recognised some of the hieroglyphs of his mothers tongue, (pre-Bantu iroan-Slamic glyphs) upon the cave walls, but among them was a Rosetta Stone of other curious hooked languages and robotic alphabets. Soon Murdaath had mastered seven interstellar languages and learnt the history of his people. Told in the pictures upon the halls of the ancient caverns were the ancestral family tree of Victoriapithecus. 19 million years in beautiful illustration. He read of the struggle of the great apes, who dug beneath the earth and brought up things living beneath, in the Aeon of Hominidae Clade. Back when even greater enormous beasts raged over the planet. He read of the future evolutions of Homo sapiens, who would populate the African regions of his birth- millions of years later.
There was unparalleled violence as Murdaath was initiated into the mysteries. The larger, thicker skinned Kamu beat him with hooked sticks until his back bled and stung from the wounds. But Murdaath could see through the pain toward the haven of the secret knowledge he was learning. In the sacred mysteries he learnt the things which were not given to be known even to mankind, or the son of man to know. He learnt of Mithras*.
(*For all that known history tells us -- the mysteries of Mithras were practised in the Roman Empire from about the 1st to the 4th century. Rivalling the great arch cult of Christianity which would dominate the central currents of human earthlings culture and thought for millennia to come.) Mithraism remains a source of great curiosity to human scholars.
Like the witch cults of Europe, the secret cults of Mithras were forced to stay in shadow for risk of their persecution in the early years of Christianity. So threatening, apparently, were the practices to Christians --the 2nd century Christian writer, Justin Martyr accused Mithras cultists of imitating the communion rite, declaring: 'Wherefore also the evil demons in mimicry have handed down that the same thing should be done in the Mysteries of Mithras. For that bread and a cup of water are in these mysteries set before the initiate.'
Christian association of Mithraism with devil worship was maintained, even as late as 1882, Ernest Renan suggested that, under different circumstances, Mithraism might have risen to the prominence of modern-day Christianity had the history pages been inked in another hand, writing: "if the growth of Christianity had been arrested by some mortal malady, the world would have been Mithraic.'
A great deal of Mithraeums throughout Europe have been discovered beneath churches, (such as santa prisms Mithraeum and San Clemente Mithraeum), which seems to point at a hidden subconscious world the early Christians both suppressed, memetically and (with violence) oppressed. http://i.imgur.com/fsJEJzY.jpg http://i.imgur.com/fmbMLuW.jpg
Concealment of Mithraic objects proves the brotherhood sought protection against Christian attacks. The similarities to transubstantiation and the ritual cannibal acts that draw deep parallels with Christianity are unmistakeable. A text on the wall of St Prisca Mithraeum contains the words: "et nos servasti...sanguine fuso" (and you have saved us....in the shed blood) next to the image of Mithras slaying a bull. Mithraic temples are common in Europe and Africa; although very unevenly distributed, with considerable numbers found in Rome, Ostia, Numidia, Dalmatia, Britain and along the Rhine/Danube frontier; while being much less common in Greece, Egypt, and Syria. More than 420 Mithraic sites have now been identified by modern human scholars.
The Mithraum beneath the valley of the shadow was more elaborate than any uncovered in modern human history, and Murdaath was to learn the true meaning of the sacred rituals, that no man had ever known. Murdaath was to learn, that the Mithraists themselves, had very little interest in the future empires of men, for indeed, the mysteries were adapted for their ancestors, and were handed down to the great apes. Though the god Mithras appeared in human form to men, Mithraism was predominantly and foremost ; a simian religion.
The temples of Mithraists, as in the days of Murdaath-- were always an underground cave, featuring a relief of Mithras killing the bull. This "tauroctony", as it is known today, appears in the same format everywhere human archeologists have discovered it, but with minor variations. Other standard themes appear in the iconography. It is certain that Mithras is born from a rock. They know that he then hunts down a bull in the 'tauroctony'. They know Mithras meets the sun who kneels to him, that he shakes hands with the sun and they feast on bull parts together. The precise meaning of these events is entirely lost on modern day scholars. http://imgur.com/hpDYDvH
Other more obscure shrines from Mithraems seem to depict narratives of the Titomancy, (the ancient legends of the overthrowing of old gods for the new --which predate the communal flood stories of ancient cultures), the Greek version being the most famous of these, (of which only a few stories survive in the works of Homer and Ovid). Certain shrines in the Mithraen caves depict the Olympian god Jupiter fighting against the giants, followed by a bearded figure reclining against a rock, which is believed to be the Titan Oceanus. Oceanus is a mysterious Titan among the early Greek myths who fathered Asia, he was also the son of Uranus and Gaia, brother of Cronus. (Murdaath was to learn that myths held a kind of sacred map, or history of the lands that birthed them).
Murdaath was also to learn such human myths, alongside the true stories of future human culture, as the Kamu tutored him in their private underground college. He learned the symbolism surrounding the 'tauroctony' which dated back to the first cave paintings of men, and their early communion with spirits. He learned of the importance of the symbolism of Mithra slaying the bull and it's connection to European sacrifice since the times of their Neanderthal ancestors.
He learnt the connection of the bull symbolism in other European human myths (such as the myth of Europa, who was carried off by Zeus in the disguise of a bull.) He learnt of Europa's three son's to Zeus; (Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon), the three of whom in Greek myth became the three judges of the Underworld when they died.
King Minos, Murdaath discovered; may have been a real historical figure, a Minoan King. The Minoan civilization, he learned, was a Bronze Age civilization that arose on the island of Crete and other Aegean islands and flourished from approximately 3650 to 1400 BCE. Historian Will Durant referred to the Minoan civilisation as "the first link in the European chain." In Greek legend, Europa's son Minos plays a central role aswell. An oracle told the Athenians to meet any of Minos' demands if they wanted to escape a certain punishment. Minos then asked Athens to send seven boys and seven girls to Crete every nine years to be sacrificed to the Minotaur, (the offspring from the zoophilic encounter of Minos' wife Pasiphae --with a certain bull that the king refused to sacrifice to Poseidon), which he had placed within a labyrinth he commanded his architect Daedalus to build.
The Minotaur was defeated by the hero Theseus with the help of Minos' daughter Ariadne. It happened just like this, Murdaath learnt, Minos justified his accession as king and prayed to Poseidon for a sign. Poseidon sent a giant white bull out of the sea. Minos was committed to sacrificing the bull to Poseidon, but then decided to substitute a different bull. In rage, Poseidon cursed Pasiphaë, Minos' wife, with zoophilia. Daedalus built her a wooden cow, which she hid inside. The bull mated with the wooden cow and Pasiphaë was impregnated by the bull, giving birth to a horrible monster, named Asterius, the Minotaur, (half man half bull.) Daedalus then built a complicated "chamber that with its tangled windings perplexed the outward way" called the Labyrinth, and Minos put the Minotaur in it. To make sure no one would ever know the secret of who the Minotaur was and how to get out of the Labyrinth (Daedalus knew both of these things), Minos imprisoned Daedalus and his son, Icarus, along with the monster. Daedalus and Icarus flew away on wings Daedalus invented, but Icarus' wings melted because he flew too close to the sun. Icarus fell in the sea and drowned. Theseus killed the Minotaur with the help of Ariadne, Minos' lovestruck daughter and by following a trail of rope, or "clue" (where the modern English word derives from) he was able to escape. As it happens, seven, the number of sacrifices to the Minotaur, was the same number of sacred initiates completing the rituals of the Mithrain mysteries.
The centrality of the bull to early European myth continues; as Murdaath discovered; like Moses, Minos allegedly received his laws straight from Zeus himself. When Minos' son Androgeos had won the Panathenaeic Games; the king, Aegeus, sent him to Marathon to fight a bull, resulting in the death of Androgeos. Outraged, Minos went to Athens to avenge his son, where he was killed himself. After his death, Minos became a judge of the dead in Hades together with Aeacus and Rhadamanthus. Rhadamanthus judged the souls of Asians, Aeacus judged Europeans, and Minos, it was said, had the deciding vote. The mysterious themes of early Minoan art, of bull leaping festivities have long puzzled human scholars, and many have created theories of a pre-European bull worshipping cult. http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Arts/MinoanBullJump.htm
Murdaath learnt human poetry, among the poetry of other intergalactic species. He could recite, off by heart in three languages Ovid's poem In Metamorphoses in regards to Jupiter's seduction of Europa:
"And gradually she lost her fear, and he Offered his breast for her virgin caresses, His horns for her to wind with chains of flowers. Until the princess dared to mount his back. Her pet bull's back, unwitting whom she rode. Then—slowly, slowly down the broad, dry beach— First in the shallow waves the great god set His spurious hooves, then sauntered further out 'til in the open sea he bore his prize Fear filled her heart as, gazing back, she saw The fast receding sands. Her right hand grasped A horn, the other lent upon his back Her fluttering tunic floated in the breeze."
The Kamu applauded Murdaath as he learnt and recited poetry and history. Murdaath was obviously advanced for his race. He quickly moved though the stages of the Mithraeum, beginning as a raven, through many rituals of blindfolding and ritual humiliation and eventually coming out as 'father' and 'king'. He became very attached to the masked leader of the lodge whom he never saw, but who all the other members of the cult referred to as pater leonum 'Father of the lions'. Murdaath came to know the Mithraeum beneath the valley of shadow as a home, admiring the engravings and altars at the far end, underneath the representation of the tauroctony. Every session, the men wore their robes and moved towards the subsidiary altars, in the ante-chamber called narthex. They would stand around the altars, and make their dedications to Mithras "in fulfillment of their vow", in gratitude for favours received. As they all stood --the aroma from the residues of animal entrails on the main altars created an eerie atmosphere of suffering and death. Murdaath began the usual chant that day: 'to the bridegrooms under the protection of Venus'. Then spake the young Kamu, Jaha, who was Murdaath's closest kin at the lodge: 'Nama to the soldiers under the protection of Mars!'.
Then spake Pater Leonum; 'Nama to the lions, under the protection of Jupiter'. Then the ape from the Southern lands: 'Nama to the Persians under the protection of the moon'. Another Kamu then spake: 'Nama to the runners of the sun, under protection of the sun'. Finally the leader spoke again, standing underneath the sickle of the god Kronos; 'Nama to the fathers from East to West, under the protection of Saturn'.
Suddenly there was a loud crack which interrupted the rituals. Pater Leonom swished his red cloak, and motioned with his gnarled finger toward the pig-headed guards--who rushed toward the exits. After a short time, one of the grey headed pigs returned, breathing anxiously and holding his pitchfork tightly; 'The black apes. They are attacking the upper plains.'
Murdaath ran out of the Mithraeum first, followed by the others, with great worry and sorrow in his eyes. He seemed to run more like a panther than a monkey, flying swiftly along the plains. His Phrygian cap blew elegantly and his purple robe flapped and glowed in the darkness.
His new leather souled shoes slapped through the tar and mud along the valley of shadow. Already he could hear screams from up on the plateau. Tears welled in his eyes, but still he ran. And ran.
Passing through the passage of Finabrush trees he finally came upon the open plains of his kingdom --and saw the terrible sight.
Dead apes and Kamu, fire raging along the grass. The flicking sparks and licking flames hugged the horizon as black smoke clouded the moon. He saw the band of black apes led by Arzghaal on mounted steeds. But soon upon the ground he came upon the image which forever broke his heart, and turned him into a man. The sight which turned him cold as a king in that split moment.
His mother Sirentia, lay split open upon the grass, oozing gizzards. Her face was white, and contorted into an expression of grief.
Murdaath fell to his knees for ten seconds in silence. A single tear in the corner of his eyes froze in the chilling night air. He felt a thing inside him snap.
In seconds Murdaath had drawn his ivory sword, and with rage running in his blood, and horror in his yellow eyes-- he took off like a hunting big-cat. The wind pushed his face up as he charged. Stoney and cold, he had no expression, only the look of an animal on the hunt.
The black apes were descending the mountain on the backs of Balinx's, flaming torches still in their hands, and laughter echoing over their foul deeds. Murdaath descended on them quickly.
Though the men were riding their bat-like tigers, still he caught up to them one by one. His ivory blade whicker-snacked like a giant wheat reaper. One by one the black apes screamed. Heads popped off. Arms were severed, major arteries cut, and streams of blood letting drowned the soil.
Finally, Murdaath was on the heels of his first arch nemesis. Leaping through the air like a superhero, he tackled his step father Arzghaal off his steed. The two tumbled down the muddy slopes, until landing in a ditch in the shadow valley.
Murdaath came out on top of the wrestling match. Pressing down with one bulging arm on his fathers face, and the other on his chest, Murdaath breathed heavily. A strange look took over his father's face as Murdaath contemplated his deep hatred.
As he looked into his step fathers eyes Murdaath recognised the look as a combination of abject terror and unexpected pride. Arzghaal knew that he was beaten, and yet, somehow now ; he felt a strange compassion for the son of his dead wife Sirentia. Perhaps he recognised the same appetite for destruction that was in himself-- that which he saw now -burning up -and consuming the young lad.
Arzghaal did not have long however to contemplate the burgeoning feelings before all sensation he knew became pain.
First Murdaath hacked off both his fathers hands with his blade, then stabbed the ivory sword into his leg. As his father squealed Murdaath stood up --and moved over towards a nearby quarry of stones. Finding a dull blunt piece of basalt, Murdaath then pounced on the flailing torso. He began to pound the skull of his father with the stone, inflicting as much pain as he could he slowly smashed the bones and innards of his fathers frail body. Finally the guts and blood burst from the skin fissures. But Murdaath never stopped hacking with the stone, until his fathers brains and skull were an unrecognisable mash upon the muddy clay of the valley.
CONCLUDED IN --- 'Murdaath, Son of Mithras' Part 2 https://www.reddit.com/libraryofshadows/comments/4ijkml/murdaath_son_of_mithras_part_two/
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